New information about the role of a molecule found in chillis in reducing foot pain by healing damaged nerves. After three months, the team found that those who’d been treated with the capsaicin patch reported that their pain had reduced significantly, compared to those treated with standard care
diabetes.org.ukSubmitted by Wagamaga t3_11ctxcu in technology
Submitted by Wagamaga t3_119x0k9 in technology
Submitted by Wagamaga t3_10qrso3 in technology
Submitted by Wagamaga t3_11e576o in technology
Submitted by Wagamaga t3_11e3tpp in technology
Submitted by Wagamaga t3_119wyux in technology
Submitted by Wagamaga t3_10ssa4j in technology
Submitted by Wagamaga t3_110mjcq in technology