
WakkaBomb t1_jc91gvu wrote

Imagine hurtling a wrench at normal throwing speed in 0G and then think about how dumb it would be to actually do in a spaceship

They throw it slow because regardless of speed. It's going to make it to its target.

Sure. There are slow motion practical effects that help with dramatic cinematography but I mean...

Here watch this spacewalk there are very practical reasons why they don't move very fast. #1 being safety.


WakkaBomb t1_jc883a5 wrote

Because if you went fast in real life you could hurt yourself.

The movie Gravity is pretty good for showing how fast someone should probably move.

Remember if you are outside the shit untethered you would really really really want to make sure you could grab a hold of the next thing.

Going fast you might just bounce off something.

Inside you don't want to collide with another person or whatever.


WakkaBomb t1_j6aad24 wrote

Mmmm nope. I did it as a science fair project back in the day :P

Blasted fruit flies for a minute and not a single dead one.

Infact: the microwaves are just a little bigger than the holes in the window on the front door.

So pretty much anything smaller than those holes cannot be heated by the microwave oven. (in air)

Obviously if you put it in a cup of water the water is going to boil.