WanderlustFella t1_jaep42q wrote
Reply to comment by johcamp in Trying to Get into the Final Fantasy Series - Where do I start by johcamp
original 7 if you want turn based, remake if you want hack and slash.
I personally love 7, 9, 6 in that order
WanderlustFella t1_jad5bgs wrote
Reply to comment by notsureifxml in Red Dead Redemption 2 completion rate among different platforms! by -NiMa-
pc players are easily distracted by.....oh what's that shiny thing
WanderlustFella t1_j5wctxu wrote
Reply to ‘Eagles Pillar Guy’ still runs into poles before playoff games for good luck by joeltheprocess76
Dawkins used to channel Wolverine. This guy channeling Dawkins
WanderlustFella t1_j0skket wrote
The real comedy
>Tom Schneider, then a young assistant district attorney, had been at Carlin's show. In the office the next day, Schneider says in the documentary, Carlin was brought in, accused of disturbing the peace.
Schneider's boss, who knew he'd been at the show, asked him if Carlin had disturbed the peace; Schneider told him Carlin received a standing ovation.
The charges were dismissed in December 1972
WanderlustFella t1_iy9vs5d wrote
I don't think you're going to find anything cheaper. Veriheal for $200 + the $50 card is probably the cheapest I've seen. Since this isn't covered by insurance, its strictly the cost of seeing and being qualified by a doctor. Unless you got a doctor friend that is also registered by the State to approve patients, you're shit out of luck. Legal weed is a rich man's game
WanderlustFella t1_iy41qyp wrote
Reply to TIL Oreos are vegan! by bethebumblebee
I guess I'm vegan...wait what do you mean milk isn't vegan, welp back to being an omnivore
WanderlustFella t1_itqmux3 wrote
Reply to comment by TrentonMakes in why do people keep asking me for the time? by [deleted]
I would venture to say its both. Social engineering is a disguise of genuineness. Sure there are some that might ask legitimately for the time. I mean shelters have a curfew so if you don't make it there on time, your locked out. However there are certainly those that are asking to check out your wares. Maybe even just a question just to see who will answer them.
"Hey you got the time?" Based on if and how you answer the guy has a good idea if you are friendly and perhaps naive. Certainly asking for a dollar after that would be just as harmless.
WanderlustFella t1_ir6uien wrote
Reply to comment by diatriose in Passing through Philadelphia - 1 hour, where to go? by WandarFar
Reading Terminal has been featured on lots of publications and travel videos. You may end up spending your entire hour on just one or two spots here.
WanderlustFella t1_jaes0sb wrote
Reply to I'm searching for a spaceship game! by molnarsaci
If it ain't Space Rangers or Starsector, I'm stumped