Washableaxe t1_jadacj6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in National Grid billed me $653 for my 750 sqft apartment by No_Huckleberry7316
I am genuinely curious which part of my comment you are projecting as angry, but I also don’t really care. Its a bit strange you are turning this dialogue into an argument when I sought clarification because of your initial ambiguously worded comment (phrased as disagreeing, but factually supported my claim).
Washableaxe t1_jad89x7 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in National Grid billed me $653 for my 750 sqft apartment by No_Huckleberry7316
Did you read past the first 3 words?
> unless you have significant building heating that you’re able to piggyback off of.
You said you parents benefit from proximity heating in their apartment, which would prove that no, you can’t get 70+ degree temps and cheap gas bill without outside assistance.
Washableaxe t1_jad723i wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in National Grid billed me $653 for my 750 sqft apartment by No_Huckleberry7316
Ok so you proved my point?
Washableaxe t1_jad55ll wrote
Reply to comment by spyda24 in National Grid billed me $653 for my 750 sqft apartment by No_Huckleberry7316
No degree of efficiency can beat natural gas prices atm. You are likely benefitting from the building common area heating and neighbor heating to a great degree.
Washableaxe t1_ja9wxoa wrote
Reply to comment by spyda24 in National Grid billed me $653 for my 750 sqft apartment by No_Huckleberry7316
I’m calling BS on this, unless you have significant building heating that you’re able to piggyback off of.
Washableaxe t1_ja987pz wrote
Reply to comment by cheech14 in National Grid billed me $653 for my 750 sqft apartment by No_Huckleberry7316
+1 for space heater recommendation.
It’s the smartest way to keep wherever you are a bit warmer. Don’t need to hear the whole house when you can only be in one room at a time.
Washableaxe t1_ja97ycr wrote
Reply to comment by GM_Pax in National Grid billed me $653 for my 750 sqft apartment by No_Huckleberry7316
Yea, my first line of defense is always adding more clothes. Sweatpants / sweatshirt / slippers.
Then I have a small space heater for my office room that I use moderately throughout the day (work from home) to keep my immediate proximity a bit warmer while keeping the apartment heat at 66 daytime temp.
Washableaxe t1_ja9030o wrote
73 degrees, are you nuts? My heat won’t touch a temperature starting with 7. You pretty much explained it yourself. If you want to cook yourself in your unit at 33 cents kW/h you’re gonna have a bad time.
Washableaxe t1_ja10g06 wrote
Reply to comment by hce692 in Comcast left a note stating they plan to dig up my lawn upgrade a line. I don't even have Comcast and I don't want them digging. How can I stop this? by bcardarella
It’s SO on brand 😂😂
Washableaxe t1_ja0brm1 wrote
Reply to Comcast left a note stating they plan to dig up my lawn upgrade a line. I don't even have Comcast and I don't want them digging. How can I stop this? by bcardarella
Just absolutely huuuuge NIMBY energy emanating from this post btw.
Washableaxe t1_ja0ae4w wrote
Reply to Comcast left a note stating they plan to dig up my lawn upgrade a line. I don't even have Comcast and I don't want them digging. How can I stop this? by bcardarella
Just FYI may not be the best idea to act like a total asshole online and have your username follow the first initial + last name format.
Washableaxe t1_iy7y6t2 wrote
The green line access in those locations has been priced in for some time.
With regards to gentrification, the market will simply have to adjust to pay enough so the low skill workers can afford to live close enough to the city.
Washableaxe t1_jadfa5c wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in National Grid billed me $653 for my 750 sqft apartment by No_Huckleberry7316
I was aiming for clarification but ill settle for being right, thanks!