Way2L8AND1 t1_j2dmyn9 wrote
Reply to Squirrel proof feeder by seeclick8
"Squirrel Proof Feeder" is a myth. They are crafty little shits
Way2L8AND1 t1_j1bhw5r wrote
Reply to comment by Guygan in Here’s my QuadraFire Castile pellet insert cranking out the heat 🔥 by Guygan
O I C.. 👍🏻👍🏻
Way2L8AND1 t1_j1bh4kb wrote
Reply to comment by Guygan in Here’s my QuadraFire Castile pellet insert cranking out the heat 🔥 by Guygan
Wow ! With it still lit ? Ash vac I assume ? I'm almost embarrassed to say but daily I use a long large cooking spoon and scoop out the ashes, but weekly if not twice a week I have to shut it down and clean under the burn plate :(
Thanks for the info
Happy Holidays ! Stay warm, and best wishes with the wind and rain. Hope we all keep power.
Way2L8AND1 t1_j1bg1vg wrote
Reply to comment by Guygan in Here’s my QuadraFire Castile pellet insert cranking out the heat 🔥 by Guygan
How often do you have to shut down and clean yours ? I really want to replace my Englander with either a Harman or a Quadrafire. I have to clean mine constantly... 3 times a week at the very least .
Way2L8AND1 t1_j1be99t wrote
Wow ! Looks great ! Primary heat source ? Will it keep up on the really cold nights ? I have an Englander that I love, but when it gets really cold, it struggles to achieve 60° so I have to supplement with a Monitor K1.
Way2L8AND1 OP t1_izlywa9 wrote
Reply to comment by Kangabolic in CMP ranks last in JD Power survey â again by Way2L8AND1
Useless list. They always rank last. Mostly meaningless, and completely expected.
Way2L8AND1 t1_izl2rbo wrote
Reply to comment by jermanherman in DO NOT go to altered image tattoos in lewiston by jermanherman
Not sure .. but I'd leave it. It's more fun this way. :)
Way2L8AND1 t1_izl2jgv wrote
I hate to be facetious, and this situation is definitely fucked.. but reading this was like reading one of those annoying word problems.. IE:
A, B, C, D, E, F and G are members of a family consisting of four adults and three children, two of whom, F and G are girls. A and D are brothers and A is a doctor. E is an engineer married to one of the brothers and has two children. B is married to D and G is their child. Who is C ?
G's Brother
E's Daughter
F's Father
A's Son
Way2L8AND1 OP t1_izksv9x wrote
This is BS... I didn't get to vote. So CMP is Last... Minus 1
Way2L8AND1 t1_ixrr2vq wrote
Reply to Does anyone know what this cable thingy going across Androscoggin on 136 in Auburn? by SodaPop978
Not sure.... But if you paint the bottom half bright Yellow, and the top reflective Red....... And put it in L/A... Shit would get crashed into constantly. 😉
Way2L8AND1 t1_ixmbk5z wrote
Way2L8AND1 t1_ixmaq28 wrote
Reply to comment by LeoIsRude in Walmart Maine strikes again by Jadasmom
Aww shucks, no interweb points from you either ?? How will I ever move forward....
Way2L8AND1 t1_ixmanhk wrote
Reply to comment by Dirty_Lew in Walmart Maine strikes again by Jadasmom
Clearly your car pictured here. Denial is the first sign. Irrational anger and child like insults are clue 2. Take a breath, it's day to give thanks. Just be happy it was only your car damaged, and you didn't run over someone's kid. Just drive better in the future.
Way2L8AND1 t1_ixm9ig3 wrote
Reply to comment by Dirty_Lew in Walmart Maine strikes again by Jadasmom
Wow, road rage and internet rage. High class too.. username definitely checks out.
Way2L8AND1 t1_ixlwexs wrote
Reply to comment by Dirty_Lew in Walmart Maine strikes again by Jadasmom
Sorry about your car, that's rough. Shop this Walmart often do ya ?
Way2L8AND1 t1_ixlvp1x wrote
Reply to comment by Dirty_Lew in Walmart Maine strikes again by Jadasmom
A Walmart shopper with road rage too.... Nevermind. Username checks out. Carry on.
Way2L8AND1 t1_ixl3tid wrote
Reply to comment by Dirty_Lew in Walmart Maine strikes again by Jadasmom
Glad I'm not a 10 foot tall guy in a yellow raincoat hanging around when you are driving. Afraid after you ran me over on the wrong side of the road, you'd claim I was hidden by your windshield pillar.
Way2L8AND1 t1_ixjqhcm wrote
Reply to comment by Dirty_Lew in Walmart Maine strikes again by Jadasmom
Hmmm.... 10 foot tall red stop sign with a bright yellow base is easy to miss ?? I'm going to need to head over there someday and verify this. LOL. If I hit that damn thing during my visit I will 100% post it here first.
Way2L8AND1 t1_ixjgk98 wrote
Reply to Walmart Maine strikes again by Jadasmom
How the actual fuck does this happen so frequently ? Does L/A just have really stupid drivers ???
Was this recent ?
Way2L8AND1 t1_iwsnzmb wrote
Because $4 in quarters is a bit much. Worked well when tolls were 50 cents. EZ pass .. simple, offers discounts... Problem solved.
Way2L8AND1 t1_ivmsza4 wrote
Hanging out, listening to Primus ....
Way2L8AND1 t1_iug4xnz wrote
Reply to comment by MaryBitchards in Vote! by OriginalGordol
My Uncle Joey may like to booze it up, but his FB page has a direct link to his YT channel about who to vote for.... It's on the internet, it has to be true
Way2L8AND1 t1_iudy3nk wrote
Reply to comment by Guygan in Suggestions for places to learn welding? by ObamaIsHandsome
Taking a peek from the peak of Katahdin has piqued my interest.
Way2L8AND1 t1_iu47i4f wrote
Reply to comment by SobeysBags in Hillary Clinton backs Portland referendum question by guy56542277
I had a job in Maine in the mid 90s that paid $4.25.... $2.13 for tipped workers. It has always been complete bullshit.
Way2L8AND1 t1_j2e15uo wrote
Reply to comment by Guygan in Squirrel proof feeder by seeclick8
Just looked it up... Certainly looks promising !!