
WaywardDeadite t1_itptk7z wrote

I would recommend Bass Pro, actually. They are always hiring for accountants. They have a great discount on merchandise (50%) and have company events for free several times a year. In the spring, they're opening a clinic for employees and their families. Daycare too.


WaywardDeadite t1_ir3qy5z wrote

Reply to comment by mb10240 in Adult ADHD testing by mb10240

Honestly I don't have an answer for you, I wish I did. Please tag me if someone does give you one. My husband desperately needs a diagnosis. He was diagnosed as a kid but we can't find his records.


WaywardDeadite t1_ir3e63i wrote

If they are wanting meds for it I would recommend Faith Clark at Burrell. She's a psychiatrist. I know Burrell sucks, but that's how my family got help.