WeirdGamerAidan t1_j0qmfks wrote
Reply to comment by That_Fable in [WP] Throughout your life, no god in any religion has answered your call for their help. In one last attempt, you call to the Void itself for help, and It answers. by Wolfie-x1x
Story: mysterious and ominous Reddit: say happy cake day!
WeirdGamerAidan t1_ixon7hf wrote
Reply to comment by ApocalypseOwl in [WP] Everybody knows that the Dark Lord cannot be defeated. Their army is invincible, their fortress unbreachable. But you (like so many before) will try anyway - you've simply no other choice. by GodawfulMe
This is good. I feel like you could turn a short story into a novel with how you describe things.
WeirdGamerAidan t1_j31t81a wrote
Reply to comment by DragonLordAcar in [WP] Humanity has finally reached a population of 10B. What should have only been mildly interesting became top news when the clouds world round said, "Data limit reached, please upgrade membership to continue growing your civilization." The population has been unable to grow since. by AurumArgenteus
Or Karens in general