WelcomeToTheBough t1_j5k2k9x wrote
Reply to The Portland area has the 8th highest percentage of second homes in the country by LuckyLaceyKS
This is why I mock the hell out of YIMBYs. No im not calling for building to stop, but Portland has more units and yet a stagnate population. Cali also pushed upzoning and literally has less people now.
Building market rate housing alone changes very little for regular or poor income folks
WelcomeToTheBough t1_j2ofbid wrote
sad its not even borderline right now, its clear been warm and its deeply unsafe.
WelcomeToTheBough t1_j24h76c wrote
Classism is very popular in America and Maine has its own flavors. All these "poor" towns have landowners pulling strings.
WelcomeToTheBough t1_j1ft4yr wrote
Reply to Hannaford rotisserie chicken 🍗 by jevamoka
fucking bullshit
WelcomeToTheBough t1_j1fskrs wrote
we can rebuild it
WelcomeToTheBough t1_izjl51a wrote
Reply to Hey Penobscot, two of your senators skipped work and couldn't vote for the bill to approve heating assistance today. It failed by 3 votes. by victorspoilz
Was Chipman 2 busy with "landlord work"
WelcomeToTheBough t1_iy4nqm5 wrote
I fail to find why this is upsetting.
WelcomeToTheBough t1_ivu7nfe wrote
They are my favorite things.
WelcomeToTheBough t1_j5q4ipa wrote
Reply to Alright folks, 25” since Friday another 8-12” on the horizon followed by rain. At what point should I seriously consider shoveling the roof? by [deleted]
Its your roof and its a free country