
Werewolfdad t1_iyaea5x wrote

Is the loan in your name? If not, give it back to aunt. Sucks for her tho

Is the $3k value with a blown engine? Or is it with zero now? If zero, you’d need to buy a -$30k car to support that much negative equity.

And spending $30k to avoid a ~3-5k engine replacement is not a good idea


Werewolfdad t1_iy9qfns wrote

>Is sticking 6k a year in a traditional roth IRA and converting to Roth and 94k in a taxable account vs putting all 100k into a taxable account going to make a big difference come retirement?

For the minimal amount of effort involved? Absolutely.

>Reason I am hesistant is I dont want to screw up and forget to file the correct forms for taxes

Its pretty much idiot proof. If you can earn $300-400k/year, you can successfully file your taxes

> Also, i thought there was some legislation that would prevent this in the future.

That's a problem for the future


Werewolfdad t1_iy9jkyv wrote

From what I gathered, OP is buying her mom an RV to live in because OP is getting kicked out of florida and is selling her house, but instead of providing additional context like a normal person, threw a hissy fit because forums don't act like vending machines for questions

I suppose we owe her a refund on all the money she spent on the free advice.


Werewolfdad t1_iy9j643 wrote

>When should I go and get this approval letter?

When you're ready to put in offers.

>As long as I pass the 3:1 ratio test I’m sure I’m in the clear but I’d like to maximize my chances of getting a big loan?

Downpayment will be the limiting factor for investment real estate


Werewolfdad t1_iy6vr97 wrote

> tibles, coinsurance. it does not provide coverage, only a banked pool of money to reimburse medical expenses from

That’s essentially what an fsa does, and an fsa restricts your ability to contribute to an hsa.

I’d really consider consulting with a cpa or other professional before enrolling in an HDHP

Edit: This is a 401(h) plan right? I can’t find an answer either way but would really suggest consulting with a professional


Werewolfdad t1_iy6nuqp wrote

>or am i missing something that blows a hole in the theory?

> When I left that role, it allowed me to start using the funds for health insurance payments and other medical reasons.

What does the medical account cover? It sounds like "other coverage" that could potentially disqualify you from contributing to an HSA