Werewolfdad t1_iyapl5p wrote
Reply to comment by AltReality in Federal taxes are not being taken out of my paycheck... by AltReality
> Health Insurance is taken out every check
How much? And how often are you paid?
Any other pension or other pretax deductions?
Werewolfdad t1_iyaoxv6 wrote
Reply to comment by AltReality in Federal taxes are not being taken out of my paycheck... by AltReality
Owing $400 is about perfect. What is your income?
Do you get paid the same every week?
Do you have health insurance or 401k contributions taken out?
Werewolfdad t1_iyai2ft wrote
Reply to comment by RelevantToTheNameOf in Going defensive in a 401(k) by RelevantToTheNameOf
I mean this one this is more like “I don’t understand Texas Hold ‘em, should I bet $50 or $100 per hand?”
And the answer is don’t Texas hold ‘em because you’ll lose to the professionals
Werewolfdad t1_iyaea5x wrote
Reply to comment by dmoralesrcc in Car broke down and it’ll cost more than what it’s worth. I also owe more than what’s it’s worth. What are my options? by dmoralesrcc
Is the loan in your name? If not, give it back to aunt. Sucks for her tho
Is the $3k value with a blown engine? Or is it with zero now? If zero, you’d need to buy a -$30k car to support that much negative equity.
And spending $30k to avoid a ~3-5k engine replacement is not a good idea
Werewolfdad t1_iyabi6u wrote
Reply to comment by zk2997 in I don't see the point of my employer's HDHP /w HSA compared to the PPO plan by zk2997
Then yeah that’s a turd of a plan
Werewolfdad t1_iyaazx3 wrote
Reply to comment by dmoralesrcc in Car broke down and it’ll cost more than what it’s worth. I also owe more than what’s it’s worth. What are my options? by dmoralesrcc
If you still owe on it, your only option will almost assuredly be putting a new engine in (well, a used engine most likely)
How under water on the car are you?
Werewolfdad t1_iyaagw0 wrote
Reply to Car broke down and it’ll cost more than what it’s worth. I also owe more than what’s it’s worth. What are my options? by dmoralesrcc
> I’m able to bring in 4-6k a month through doordash full time
Where’d all that money go?
What’s wrong with the car?
Werewolfdad t1_iyaa9ov wrote
Does your employer not make a contribution to your hsa?
Werewolfdad t1_iya8e7e wrote
Reply to comment by RelevantToTheNameOf in Going defensive in a 401(k) by RelevantToTheNameOf
Because I want you to be richer
Werewolfdad t1_iya3r3n wrote
Reply to comment by RelevantToTheNameOf in Going defensive in a 401(k) by RelevantToTheNameOf
I mean, if you can't figure out what mutual funds are, you certainly should be
Werewolfdad t1_iy9x1t5 wrote
Reply to Going defensive in a 401(k) by RelevantToTheNameOf
You shouldn’t be timing the market.
> would like to be a bit more active in managing my retirement
Given your question, that’s realistically the last thing you should be doing.
Investing guidance: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/investing
401k fund selection guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/401k_funds
Werewolfdad t1_iy9sz7c wrote
> However, is it realistic to spend nearly 100k on a car when I’m only making 100k per year?
Not unless you have a massive amount of savings
Werewolfdad t1_iy9qfns wrote
Reply to Should I do backdoor roth IRA? by seriousgainz
>Is sticking 6k a year in a traditional roth IRA and converting to Roth and 94k in a taxable account vs putting all 100k into a taxable account going to make a big difference come retirement?
For the minimal amount of effort involved? Absolutely.
>Reason I am hesistant is I dont want to screw up and forget to file the correct forms for taxes
Its pretty much idiot proof. If you can earn $300-400k/year, you can successfully file your taxes
> Also, i thought there was some legislation that would prevent this in the future.
That's a problem for the future
Werewolfdad t1_iy9kmsb wrote
Reply to Method of paying bills each month by grizgrin75
I set up autopay with each utility/vendor because I'm lazy and its easy
Werewolfdad t1_iy9jkyv wrote
Reply to comment by ItsWetInWestOregon in RV Financing - current interest rates by Longjumping-End-3892
From what I gathered, OP is buying her mom an RV to live in because OP is getting kicked out of florida and is selling her house, but instead of providing additional context like a normal person, threw a hissy fit because forums don't act like vending machines for questions
I suppose we owe her a refund on all the money she spent on the free advice.
Werewolfdad t1_iy9j643 wrote
>When should I go and get this approval letter?
When you're ready to put in offers.
>As long as I pass the 3:1 ratio test I’m sure I’m in the clear but I’d like to maximize my chances of getting a big loan?
Downpayment will be the limiting factor for investment real estate
Werewolfdad t1_iy8zpfd wrote
Reply to comment by Longjumping-End-3892 in RV Financing - current interest rates by Longjumping-End-3892
Just because you don’t like the advice doesn’t mean it’s not meaningful or civil
Werewolfdad t1_iy8meir wrote
Reply to Best way to transfer current year traditional IRA contributions to a Roth IRA? by MosDefNoDoubt
Ask your brokerage to recharacterize the contributions
Werewolfdad t1_iy8hfbs wrote
>What interest rates could I expect to see financing $35,000 with a credit score of 675 and annual income of $64k? My DTI is 40% currently,
You can't afford an RV.
Expect high rates if you were even to be approved
Werewolfdad t1_iy8cniq wrote
Reply to comment by solepropquestion in HSA arbitrage opportunity by solepropquestion
That's also a possibility. 401(h) is quite rare. Shoutout to /u/HandyManPat coming through clutch
Werewolfdad t1_iy6vr97 wrote
Reply to comment by solepropquestion in HSA arbitrage opportunity by solepropquestion
> tibles, coinsurance. it does not provide coverage, only a banked pool of money to reimburse medical expenses from
That’s essentially what an fsa does, and an fsa restricts your ability to contribute to an hsa.
I’d really consider consulting with a cpa or other professional before enrolling in an HDHP
Edit: This is a 401(h) plan right? I can’t find an answer either way but would really suggest consulting with a professional
Werewolfdad t1_iy6nuqp wrote
Reply to HSA arbitrage opportunity by solepropquestion
>or am i missing something that blows a hole in the theory?
> When I left that role, it allowed me to start using the funds for health insurance payments and other medical reasons.
What does the medical account cover? It sounds like "other coverage" that could potentially disqualify you from contributing to an HSA
Werewolfdad t1_iy6m3gb wrote
Reply to comment by badboyzpwns in Stopping contributions to IRA/401k to save for downpayment? by badboyzpwns
> So why 15%?
To maintain a similar lifestyle in retirement.
Read the footnotes in this link: https://www.fidelity.com/viewpoints/retirement/how-much-do-i-need-to-retire
Werewolfdad t1_iy6iqgh wrote
Reply to comment by badboyzpwns in Stopping contributions to IRA/401k to save for downpayment? by badboyzpwns
Pretty sure the 15% was based on the Trinity study
> However, that 15% can differ depending on your salary For example, if i make 40k vs 150k.
Don’t understand what this means. 15% is 15%
Werewolfdad t1_iyapqvq wrote
Reply to comment by rnelsonee in Federal taxes are not being taken out of my paycheck... by AltReality
Damn man you’re good