Werewolfdad t1_iyem7po wrote
What are your income needs in retirement?
Werewolfdad t1_iyem2mx wrote
Reply to Question about first time home buying by [deleted]
There is no guarantee rates will go down.
And we’ll almost assuredly never see 2020 rates ever again
Werewolfdad t1_iyegbaz wrote
Reply to Can't find out how to make a bank account under the age of 18 with no debit card by Previous-Contact-323
What state are you in? Some states convey a limited capacity to contract to minors for the purpose of opening bank accounts
Werewolfdad t1_iyeg14x wrote
Reply to Sinking Funds & Expense Tracking by paintingredroses
Sinking funds aren’t savings. They’re delayed spending. Is that your issue?
If you save $500 a month for a year then spend $6k on vacation, you’d just record the $500 per month as the expense. The actual incurred expenses and the transfer out of the sinking fund to pay off your credit card would be transfers and ignored in your budget
Werewolfdad t1_iyec3cz wrote
Reply to Technically Homeless (living with friends) need advice on opening a bank account. by the_tipsy_turtle
>So, How do I get a bank account without a utility bill?
Change your address on your drivers license to where you're living. AFAIK, most states have an online form that will send you a temporary ID card
Werewolfdad t1_iye900q wrote
Reply to Lump sum ROTH IRA on January 1 vs grow emergency fund from 4 to 8 months living expenses. by bobomb01
>I would still contribute on a regular schedule to my ROTH to take advantage of the full $6500 limit for 2023, but I've read that lump summing on 1/1 tends to do better in the long run. If
Doesn't meaningfully matter
Werewolfdad t1_iye8ohh wrote
Reply to Weighing my options: maxing 401k via annual bonus vs spread out over the year? by xxxITthrowaway
It doesn't meaningfully matter. I did analysis using portfolio visualizer and across 20 years, if investing in VTSAX, the final difference in balance is less than 1% (not per year, in total) between investing 20500 up front on Jan 1 vs spread through the year . For a longer time frame, the difference would be smaller
Werewolfdad t1_iye87dj wrote
Reply to HSA with domestic partner by aga1793
>Am I legally allowed to contribute up to $7300 even though we are not married, but are living together as domestic partners?
If you are covered by a family plan, you are allowed to contribute $7300.
>She is self employed. Can we both contribute up to $7300 in our separate HSA accounts?
Yes, because you are both covered by family plans, not someone else's dependent, and not married
Werewolfdad t1_iye0r7d wrote
Reply to comment by Suspicious_Candy9056 in Chase denied my dispute on the "product not shipped" transaction. Now what? by Suspicious_Candy9056
Eh, $23 would be petty. $2300 is a big chunk of change.
I'd be filing an FCBA complaint with the FTC and CFPB.
>If you disagree with the results of the investigation
>Appeal the decision within the time period the issuer gives you for payment or 10 days of getting the explanation, whichever is later. If you want to appeal, write to the issuer and tell them that you refuse to pay because you still dispute the billing error. But know that, at this point, the issuer can begin collection procedures.
>FIle a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Werewolfdad t1_iydzu0d wrote
Reply to Chase denied my dispute on the "product not shipped" transaction. Now what? by Suspicious_Candy9056
How much was the purchase?
Werewolfdad t1_iydz1ta wrote
Reply to Lender is asking 75% LTV to remove PMI? by Oskeros
>Isn't this illegal?
It is not. The law only requires PMI be removed at 78% (or 80% if requested) based on the original amortization schedule. You can also request it if its at 80% based on the original purchase price due to additional payments.
If you're relying on an increase in property value, the lenders can set their own restrictions
Werewolfdad t1_iydvrb5 wrote
Werewolfdad t1_iydp5mf wrote
> Is there any recourse for essentially losing 25k?
No, that was the risk you took in accepting a job that pays in RSUs
Werewolfdad t1_iydlta1 wrote
Reply to This may be a dumb question but I need to know some sort of answer due to pure curiosity by [deleted]
> Is it credit? Or super saver?
Could be either. Or bank of mom and dad. Or a trust fund.
Werewolfdad t1_iyda8hf wrote
Reply to comment by eyeofthequeentiger in Thought provoking question by eyeofthequeentiger
That was their property taxes and is independent of the mortgage
Werewolfdad t1_iyd6092 wrote
Reply to How much % should I contribute to my non-taxable accounts to save for a downpayment? by badboyzpwns
As much as you can afford. A $500k condo in NYC may be quite unaffordable for you for quite some time unless you get a very large pay increase
Werewolfdad t1_iyd4twh wrote
Reply to comment by nrj3697 in capital one bank vs discover bank for checking and savings by nrj3697
Oh wow I can’t read. Ignore me.
Werewolfdad t1_iyd4lh5 wrote
Discover isn’t offering new checking accounts currently
Werewolfdad t1_iyd4fkz wrote
Werewolfdad t1_iycy3tn wrote
The value of the of ibonds always reflects the three month penalty until you've held it for 5 years.
Werewolfdad t1_iycx48i wrote
> Thoughts?
Might you need access to the funds inside of 12 months?
Werewolfdad t1_iycp005 wrote
Reply to comment by cambriancatalyst in Income exceeded Roth IRA limit by cambriancatalyst
Werewolfdad t1_iycnn9b wrote
Reply to comment by cambriancatalyst in Income exceeded Roth IRA limit by cambriancatalyst
Backdoor Roth is easy.
Contributing to a 401k also lowers you magi if you do that
Werewolfdad t1_iyem9r1 wrote
Reply to What should i pay off first with this money? by YesImClueless
Start here: https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/commontopics