WesternSol t1_j27qvqo wrote
not a movie but Babylon 5 with londo and G'kar
WesternSol t1_iy6yxmd wrote
Reply to comment by ALuckyMushroom in [WP] As a vampire, I follow traditions. My fiancé is human and just found out that human brides/grooms are to be bit to become a vampire themselves. She absolutely refuses to let that happen, and says the wedding is off unless I refuse to bite her. I feel like she's disrespecting tradition. AITA? by Crystal1501
Forgive me, but you sound young, so let me educate you. This is why its bad to mix the races. Humans are too... small to sympathize with vampires. I've lost more a hundred times as many friends in my 2000 years than it is possible to loose family in a human lifetime. The truth is, whatever losses she might feel in the short term, by her 300th year, they would feel as significant to her as the death of a gerbil. On the other hand, the sheer amount of work that goes into getting a growth license cannot be understated. I don't know how recently you've looked at the regulations, but last I checked, it takes 1000 years or a death in the family for a dynasty to get one. And you can only use them to do one thing: either to conceive or convert. One new family member every thousand years. And to give up that, for a woman who isn't even excited to spend eternity with you? Who doesn't respect your families sacrifice? It saddens me to see the extent to which our culture has fallen.
WesternSol t1_iy6id60 wrote
Reply to [WP] As a vampire, I follow traditions. My fiancé is human and just found out that human brides/grooms are to be bit to become a vampire themselves. She absolutely refuses to let that happen, and says the wedding is off unless I refuse to bite her. I feel like she's disrespecting tradition. AITA? by Crystal1501
NTA. How presumptuous of that… harlot to look upon the gift of vampirism and turn away! Does she understand how incredibly rare it is for us immortals to deign to add another to our number?! This is like telling someone they’ve won the lottery and having them say “Nah”. Not to mention the sheer selfishness! “Oh honey, I hope you understand, I just want you to stay young and hot forever while I age out of my looks, until I die and you have to remember me for the rest of your immortal existence!” I bet if you asked her for a prenup she’d also try to give you an ultimatum. She’s using you honey. The humans always do. I’d recommend leaving her and finding yourself a proper vampire woman.
WesternSol t1_je5m24r wrote
Reply to [WP] To finally solve all problems caused by humans, God made six new earths, to separate everyone depending on their sins, Earth 1 being for the best people and Earth 7 for the worst sinners. Every 50 years, angels arrive and re-judge people to decide if they should stay, go up or down. by QuantisOne
"A newborn child bear no sins."
--Gol D Roger
The truth is: Nothing intelligently designed is designed intelligently. It takes failure and iterative prototyping to create something worth anything. That's what evolution is. But evolution is slow, tolerable. You'd never know that you were affected by it, how you have changed compared to your fellow man. This system is immediate and very visible.
I was born in year 40. I'm told my mother was born in year 20 a cycle ago, and her mother in year 49 two cycles ago. My cousin was born in March of 49 last cycle. I will never forget my aunt over those 9 months. She seemed happy, yet the melancholy of inevitability hung over us all. On January 1st of 0, this cycle, some were transferred up, some down, some not at all. My aunt wasn't transferred. But every child under two (and most under 6) was immediately transferred to Earth 1. I don't know how my cousin's doing, but she's probably well taken care of. I've heard (though, the source of the rumor is unknown) that disease and pain don't exist in Earth 1, that there are no problems at all. But I know how my aunt is doing.
There are infinite of stories of people losing loved ones who fly or fall. Families infinitely broken and torn apart every 50 years. People recount their grandparents tales of never knowing their own parents. Some people prefer it that way. Its become quite the debate: As a parent, should you take care of your children by guaranteeing they get into Earth 1 if possible, but never see them again? Or is it more ethical to avoid sending your children to paradise but to give them a family instead? The inverse has been known to happen as well. Parents making it to Earth 3 while their 10 year old is left here, or even drops to Earth 5.
Almost no one ends up where they belong. And it takes generations to move from the top to the bottom or visa versa, since the maximum possible number of transfers per person is three. Someone born on 4 like me? If I'd behaved perfectly my entire life, I'd never even see Earth 1. I'd be stuck at 2. But my cousin, god bless her, is in 1, having never made a conscious choice in her life prior to arriving there. And my aunt? She's not on any Earth. Hasn't been since February of 0, this cycle.