WetAndStickyBandits t1_j8ux376 wrote
Reply to comment by MontyoftheFuture in Top story in the Burlington Free Press? Fire prevention in Rhode Island. by VermontArmyBrat
I live in central VT now, but grew up near where it happened. A good friend at the time lost his father in the fire. It certainly was terrible.
WetAndStickyBandits t1_j7iucn6 wrote
Reply to comment by oksoseriousquestion in [Bengals] Forever a Bengals great. Congratulations on retirement and one heck of a career, AJ Green. by BCLetsRide69
And Larry Fitzgerald
WetAndStickyBandits t1_j73hmyy wrote
Reply to Is there a place in the Montpelier area to buy either Vermont State Flags, or GMB flags? by JimWest92
Stove and flag works in Montpelier
WetAndStickyBandits t1_j6xiu7o wrote
Reply to comment by Dadfart802 in Looking to buy a house in Vermont - What cities do you recommend by psychicfrequency
We bought our house 7 years ago in Washington County for 175k. Zillow says it’s now valued around 270k not including all of the improvements we’ve done. The market truly is remarkable.
WetAndStickyBandits t1_j4a2g1l wrote
Reply to Darn icy roads by Fun-Midnight1010
Is this in Greensboro?
WetAndStickyBandits t1_j3w7a0x wrote
Reply to Why doesn’t Vermont bury its power lines? by tcchen
They just finished doing this in downtown Waterbury. The process took about 3 years with having to put in new sidewalks and everything.
WetAndStickyBandits t1_izedj10 wrote
Reply to comment by ImaginaryQualia in UVM Students Charged for 'Extreme' Dorm Damages by Hazmat1575
Elevator union is one of the best.
WetAndStickyBandits t1_iw5thge wrote
Reply to comment by ThisistheInfiniteIs in Rifle season starts this weekend. A reminder to wear orange. by Significant_Guava881
If only leash laws and ordinances were enforced in the state.
WetAndStickyBandits t1_jbz5wjj wrote
Reply to What is Vermont doing to show that it is a welcoming state to fleeing trans people? by [deleted]
The state? Nothing specific. However, there sure are a lot of LGTBQIA+ friendly spots pushing for even more welcoming locations. It’s not perfect. In fact, a trans woman was murdered up here not too long ago. However, the outpouring of support was massive.