WexfordHo t1_ix00w2g wrote
Reply to comment by freecodeio in Redmi's latest phone can be fully charged in nine minutes | Engadget by [deleted]
Well you see, friend, before modern medicine brain surgery was essentially a death sentence. Now it’s true there are some records of trepanation, but that’s not quite what any of us would think of as brain surgery today, and presumably most of those “patients” died. As far as repairing bleeds or removing skull fragments, dealing with cancers etc… you might as well have just beaten your patient to death as cut into their brain.
So the tradeoff was that new technology made a new paradigm possible, across the board!
There is no new paradigm to support ultra-fast charging of the type advertised here, without known tradeoffs.
WexfordHo t1_iwzjo8y wrote
Fully charged in nine, smoking in 10, bursting into flames at 11.
WexfordHo t1_iws48gq wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Denham Springs teacher arrested on campus; accused of giving child vape, sending inappropriate texts by InflationOk300
I think that comment I saying a lot more about you than it is about this case.
WexfordHo t1_iwrwhw0 wrote
Reply to comment by justforthearticles20 in Worst fall in UK living standards since records began, says OBR. by Xul-luX
Given the polling suggests they’d be the minority party in third place after the SNP as the loyal opposition and Labour in government, I really doubt that they are. They’re profoundly unhappy, but they’ve been riding his tiger for a while and have no clue how to dismount without being totally ripped to shreds.
Greedy and selfish as they are, they’ll drag the country down with them.
WexfordHo t1_iwomhql wrote
Reply to comment by KynElwynn in Elon Musk says he will find a new leader for Twitter by Kevin-W
Oh great, the simulation is glitching again.
WexfordHo t1_iwolti6 wrote
Reply to comment by KynElwynn in Elon Musk says he will find a new leader for Twitter by Kevin-W
But not really, right?
WexfordHo t1_iwojth6 wrote
Reply to comment by Treacle123 in Elon Musk says he will find a new leader for Twitter by Kevin-W
“Today it was announced that Elon Musk has tapped Logan Paul to be CEO of Twitter. In response to concerns that Mr. Paul was signally unequipped for the job, Mr. Paul screamed into a microphone and masturbated on a corpse.”
WexfordHo t1_iwojfe8 wrote
Reply to comment by Arigato_MrRoboto in Herschel Walker explains vampires & werewolves by WorthlessNotUseless
The good news is that stage 3 CTE is um… self-limiting.
WexfordHo t1_iwoa3yv wrote
Well… that is bug fuck crazy.
WexfordHo t1_iwnv5mj wrote
Reply to comment by reclusive_ent in Police have no suspect in killings of 4 UI students; investigators believe 2 other roommates were home at time of attack by profigliano
Or you know, they’re giving limited information because it relates to an ongoing investigation, and what they suspect isn’t going to be broadcast.
WexfordHo t1_iwnmdl4 wrote
Reply to comment by Gonstackk in Louisiana's juvenile detention centers filled to capacity; state asking judges to let some out of jail by InflationOk300
In this case it’s especially true.
> Ware opened in 1993, at a time when Louisiana was earning a reputation for operating one of the country’s worst juvenile systems. A series of scandals led to the closing of all privately run juvenile facilities, and in 2000, the federal government assumed oversight of those run by the state.
> But Ware was neither private nor state-run. It was a “political subdivision” of the state, created by legislation and overseen by a board composed of many of the men who met at Catfish Bend. This structure offered them and their charismatic new director ready access to tax dollars and far more independence from regulators.
The worst of both worlds, classic American “libertarian” right wing bs.
WexfordHo OP t1_iwifw7r wrote
Reply to comment by Kzickas in Three Israelis killed by Palestinian in West Bank knife and car attack by WexfordHo
It doesn’t really feel like we’re having a conversation, as much as you’re using me to rant about something (based on your history) you spend all day every day ranting about. I’m not going to be a punching bag for you.
WexfordHo OP t1_iwiejzr wrote
Reply to comment by Kzickas in Three Israelis killed by Palestinian in West Bank knife and car attack by WexfordHo
What did I say that makes that so clear to you?
WexfordHo OP t1_iwidi4z wrote
Reply to comment by Kzickas in Three Israelis killed by Palestinian in West Bank knife and car attack by WexfordHo
“Let us in and let us kill you, only then will there be peace” was a non-starter in the 1990’s and still is, however much you appeal to emotion to cover for the central premise of your demand. And no, a failure to get exactly what you want is not a blank cheque to commit decades of atrocities against anyone including your own people. In terms of who makes the Palestinians suffer, Hamas, the PLO and Islamic Jihad are the biggest perpetrators. Groups who would by the way, lose all of their money and power in the event of peace.
WexfordHo OP t1_iwib5qq wrote
Reply to comment by LandLordLovin in Three Israelis killed by Palestinian in West Bank knife and car attack by WexfordHo
Try logging out and refreshing, it’s been shadow removed.
I know you think I’m some sort of troll now, but I’m not, and I’m not messing with you now either.
Edit: You might find this illuminating https://www.reveddit.com/y/landlordlovin/
WexfordHo OP t1_iwia9a4 wrote
Reply to comment by LandLordLovin in Three Israelis killed by Palestinian in West Bank knife and car attack by WexfordHo
I wanted to respond, but your comment has since vanished.
WexfordHo OP t1_iwi6emi wrote
Reply to comment by LandLordLovin in Three Israelis killed by Palestinian in West Bank knife and car attack by WexfordHo
“Lets” that uh… quite the spin on migrant camps, a “Stay in Mexico” policy, and separating kids from families at the border. All of this because Mexicans, Hondurans, El Salvadorans and others want to flee the economic conditions and violence the US has created over decades with their War on Drugs and coups.
But that’s fine because it’s the US, and not a country with a majority Jewish population. The US can commit war crimes, torture people on camera, still have an offshore torture and detention facility in Cuba, but it’s fine it’s fine. Because it’s the US. When the US responds to a single terror attack with 20 years of war and millions dead and displaced that’s just life. Hypocrites.
WexfordHo OP t1_iwhjwau wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Three Israelis killed by Palestinian in West Bank knife and car attack by WexfordHo
I’m just unraveling some hypocrisy, that’s not the same as whataboutism.
WexfordHo OP t1_iwhj09q wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Three Israelis killed by Palestinian in West Bank knife and car attack by WexfordHo
Or like the US starting two wars in the Middle East that lasted 20+ years because they were attacked once? What, you think Afghanistan was heavily armed or something? Iraq was on its second US invasion, so it was pretty weak too. I hate to think what the US would do if Mexico spent decades attacking it with rockets and bombs, I’m pretty sure that Mexico and Mexicans would no longer exist. The US is already pretty rough on everything South of their border, and that’s just based on racial animus.
WexfordHo OP t1_iwhisnn wrote
Reply to comment by Open_Chemistry_3300 in Three Israelis killed by Palestinian in West Bank knife and car attack by WexfordHo
You’re right, I’m not from the US! That story about that poor woman though, who I just assume is black, what a nightmare.
WexfordHo OP t1_iwhgg73 wrote
Reply to comment by InfamousLegend in Three Israelis killed by Palestinian in West Bank knife and car attack by WexfordHo
It’s a little disheartening to see multiple people react to the news of a terrorist attack on civilians with a deflection about how the government of those civilians will react. Why is victim blaming acceptable only when it comes to this topic?
WexfordHo OP t1_iwhdabq wrote
Reply to comment by eros56 in Three Israelis killed by Palestinian in West Bank knife and car attack by WexfordHo
That wouldn’t give bigots free reign to LARP as human rights activists.
WexfordHo OP t1_iwh0zxd wrote
Reply to comment by Fochinell in Three Israelis killed by Palestinian in West Bank knife and car attack by WexfordHo
That era ended when Arafat turned up his nose at the offer of the two-state solution. What can you do when only one party wants peace, and the other wants peace over your corpse?
WexfordHo t1_iwf5qpf wrote
Reply to comment by SIGMA920 in The Weird-Looking, Fuel-Efficient Planes You Could Be Flying in One Day by rchaudhary
I mean… it’s a metal box already, and you can take sedation if you like. No need to make the box smaller, lol.
WexfordHo t1_ix1qb3v wrote
Reply to comment by fitzroy95 in E. Asia chipmakers see high-tech decoupling with China inevitable by marketrent
Whereas China just wants everyone to be happy and is not at all in the money-grubbing business. /s