
WexfordHo t1_ivz94tt wrote

There’s a lot of hardship and hard situations in the world, in quite a few cases you have a clear and unambiguous division between victims and the groups victimizing them, such as the case in Myanmar, Ukraine, victims of pogroms in Sudan, Australian immigration camps in Papua New Guinea, the US separating children from families in camps. A lot of that kind of thing. Few of those events get the sort of the lasting, intense, coverage and attention loaded with inflammatory buzzwords that the “Israeli Palestinian conflict” does. Few of those events are treated like a team sport for decades, often by people the furthest away from those events.

The only other comparable thing I can imagine is the “Free Tibet” movement, but even that has largely petered out as people realized that China wasn’t going to listen to them. But not this, not Israel. It’s always the same fury, the same certainty and the same muffled hatred, even when the “victims” of the conflict are not especially sympathetic and the conflict is far from one-sided. Funny isn’t it? How that works.

So I hope you understand why it’s so notable that this is the thing that makes people this intent on vilifying one party to an ongoing conflict. That’s doubly true when the party in question just happens to be the largest group of Jews in the world, and when so much of the “criticism” comes in the form of ahistorical and hysterical rhetoric.


WexfordHo t1_iv1zw05 wrote

Well good news, I have a source.

China — 11680.42 United States — 4535.30 India — 2411.73

Top three all time.


Now lets look at the trend lines.


Oh look, India’s trend line is straight up, but Europe and North America’s is plummeting. People need to stop playing bullshit nationalist games with this, or fudging the overall numbers.


WexfordHo t1_iv1x0zy wrote

It’s almost as though low contributions from 1.4 billion people adds up! Especially when those contributions are steadily rising, with no end in sight, as though people scrabble for a lifestyle that more closely resembles a Western one, in terms of consumption.

And guess what, yelling, “It’s per capita” at the sky as it falls? Changes nothing.


WexfordHo t1_iujg8sl wrote

It’s hurting their growth, but the destruction of their housing market is what’s really underlying their economy’s problems. Put together with inflation and Zero Covid and my god… they’re going to be in so much trouble. The question is how long it takes, how long can the CCP cover the holes up before people realize they’ve broken the social contract? “You make me more prosperous, but in return I have no freedom.” That was the deal, and the CCP are covering up the fact that they can’t hold up their end.


WexfordHo t1_iuivgc1 wrote

Reminds me of a bit from ‘The Fires of Heaven’ by Robert Jordan.

> "I once saw a man hanging from a cliff. The brink was crumbling under his fingers, and the only thing near enough to grasp was a tuft of grass, a few long blades with roots barely clinging to the rock. The only chance he had of climbing back up on the cliff. So he grabbed it." His abrupt chuckle held no mirth. "He had to know it would pull free."