Whaddaulookinat t1_j2ayqt1 wrote
Whaddaulookinat t1_iyf1w1d wrote
Reply to comment by pyspark2020 in A 2nd grade teacher in Darien, CT included the book “Julian is a Mermaid” in her curriculum. The book is about a child who transitions, dresses in drag, & strips to his underwear to join a parade. by pyspark2020
I mean the actual moral of the Sodom and Gomorrah allegory is to treat the needy as well as you possibly can (the inscribed gold) and to act humbly in the face of works done in the name of God (which any good cause can fill in for).
So... Maybe you're in a moral panic? Maybe? Something that doesn't really happen en masse in CT...
Whaddaulookinat t1_iyesxav wrote
Reply to comment by pyspark2020 in A 2nd grade teacher in Darien, CT included the book “Julian is a Mermaid” in her curriculum. The book is about a child who transitions, dresses in drag, & strips to his underwear to join a parade. by pyspark2020
Man, I just... I just do not give a shit and I have a well established suspicion people that go around looking for these types of stories don't really either and only want to use those kinds of one of stories to beat a minority group with in a manner that Milligram would weep with how correct he is.
I mean I went to school and we learned from this book that said a town raped angels that were playing as needing visitors and then the town was destroyed because of it. Is that any better than this story?
Whaddaulookinat t1_iyemwcx wrote
Reply to A 2nd grade teacher in Darien, CT included the book “Julian is a Mermaid” in her curriculum. The book is about a child who transitions, dresses in drag, & strips to his underwear to join a parade. by pyspark2020
What's with the super right wing spam coming in last few days? It's a noticable uptick.
Whaddaulookinat t1_ix21o9w wrote
Reply to comment by bauhaus_ball in "What suggestions do you have for the transportation system across the region?" by d_c_chillin
Thank you for the response!
Whaddaulookinat t1_iwy17du wrote
Reply to "What suggestions do you have for the transportation system across the region?" by d_c_chillin
Thank God metrocog is doing this, been passing on going to the next meeting I could to say exactly what I am about to here with far less cussing there. Grew up on the gbt system so I love it but I always saw some issues.
- System Map. Seriously I understand that routes can change but having blazers on the pole of the particular route with and another for the wider system with Street names and / or points of interest is fairly cheap to do.
At the very least a full pdf on gogbt.com of an overview of of the system. It's impossible to find and I'm not tech unsavy.
I know these are more expensive but reach goals:
signal and Lane priority.
more circular routes that reduce the going to the main hub for transfers and make the network more like a network.
With that smaller node bus stations would be a huge improvement.
- at least 20/7 service. We know 24/7 is a big ask but 20/7 or even 18/7 is reasonable service level for more people to even give up their cars.
Other than that:
Far more transparency with route changes
dedicated and branded Express services
Thank you, had to get all that off my chest.
Whaddaulookinat t1_iwssqa3 wrote
Reply to comment by milton1775 in The Road That Killed A City: A podcast series about how I-84 destroyed the heart of Hartford. A trend that was happening to all American cities. by marxianthings
>Yes, and Hartford receives a disproportionate amount (both overall and per capita) compared to other municipalities.
When you account for the shortfall in pilot promises in previous decades it honestly pales. I really do not see your continued point... Hartford gets help for getting a distressed community much like many others including the state fund dependent rural areas. Yet you never see such attention to the minutia detail of their funding sourcing. Just get fucked mate.
Whaddaulookinat t1_iwsghyk wrote
Reply to comment by milton1775 in The Road That Killed A City: A podcast series about how I-84 destroyed the heart of Hartford. A trend that was happening to all American cities. by marxianthings
And Hartford takes on the entirety of the responsibility of handling the second busiest downtown in New England, and vendors collecting an absolutely insane amount of sales tax. I seriously cannot fathom how the anti city crowds think they can throw out numbers not thinking we don't already know how the state works.
Oh and PS ECS helps all municipalities in the state to a significant degree... It's not a freebie that Hartford gets. Ffs.
Whaddaulookinat t1_iws28zp wrote
Reply to comment by johnsonutah in The Road That Killed A City: A podcast series about how I-84 destroyed the heart of Hartford. A trend that was happening to all American cities. by marxianthings
>Hartford does receive significant state funding to help make up for its small footprint and the fact that government buildings take up a sizable chunk of taxable land
PILOT has been underfunded by the state basically since the beginning of the programme, and even at reimbursement obligated would only cover about 60% of the grand list tax value
Whaddaulookinat t1_iuk1ghf wrote
Reply to comment by maxanderson350 in Reflecting on CT's messy history surrounding Indigenous peoples and place names by Usedtoknowsomeone46
I mean it's interesting to think about, but it's sort of a niche issue especially in the native community. Kinda bigger things to deal with
Whaddaulookinat t1_iu6xyy5 wrote
Reply to comment by CaptServo in Connecticut ranked most stressed state in the country, new study reveals by Qbase11
That's one of those "not needed laws here" like of you go to a park and see a sign urging you not to engage in amateur zoological husbandry... You know something happened that required that law
Whaddaulookinat t1_iu2gut9 wrote
Reply to comment by IMNOT_A_LAWYER in Hockey in Connecticut by poorlywrittenriffs
Nhl wants their ahl affiliates to reverend under the larger brands. It honestly really sucks.
Whaddaulookinat t1_itzcydv wrote
Reply to comment by ThePermafrost in How can we incentivize real discussions around solutions to home affordability in CT? by otter_spud
Whaddaulookinat t1_itybe0f wrote
Reply to comment by ertebolle in How can we incentivize real discussions around solutions to home affordability in CT? by otter_spud
But not calling out clear dog whistles isn't a viable strategy either, nor is ignoring the clear economic and cultural alliances that can be formed at the state and federal level. The "selfish" case has been made: density helps property value and increases economic vitality, asymmetry issues over changes of taste, etc...
Those that are really against change are against it because they feel demographic threat. Most people are in favor of moderate change in zoning restrictions, those that are opposed should be called out to defend their positions
Whaddaulookinat t1_itxzb8f wrote
Reply to comment by ThePermafrost in How can we incentivize real discussions around solutions to home affordability in CT? by otter_spud
I can do both, but I only have time and energy for the insults because what you said was so patently dumb and your backtracking is simply chefs kiss I don't have to antique spend energy going over it. You said something tone deaf and idiotic, we all do just take the L man
Whaddaulookinat t1_itxrfcg wrote
Reply to comment by johnsonutah in How can we incentivize real discussions around solutions to home affordability in CT? by otter_spud
>the chief ones being they don’t want more neighbors, want a small school system, don’t want additional traffic. It’s no more complicated than that lol.
But ok my family has been in CT for at least a millennia... The suburbs as they are now are very new it's just a silly mindset. And if there was more activism against new sfh on large lots (the number one source oh school children) construction there'd be a point but there isn't which tells us everything.
It's not like these communities have just came to this issue, it's been ongoing since the 70s... No real reason to allow a state power to give selfishness more weight than it deserves frankly
Whaddaulookinat t1_itxo7p3 wrote
Reply to comment by johnsonutah in How can we incentivize real discussions around solutions to home affordability in CT? by otter_spud
>Idk what trope you are talking about lol wtf. CT cities are barely sources of economic activity - there are loafs of businesses located outside of CT cities in the burbs. Nobody wants an urban life in CT because most of our cities are underinvested in.
The "we want suburbs to stay suburbs" is a constant trope which makes no sense, and often when pressed those that day that nonsense end up showing racist and classist colours
And remember CT is largely urban. The inner ring municipalities are all also urban in form and function. Between the core and inner ring that's 75% of CTs population.
>I’m actually in support of investing in our cities, infrastructure and public transportation so that we have improved economic growth and more housing options. You’re barking up the wrong tree.
And all I'm arguing is we should go back to allowing more pre 1970s style development, like the old trolley towns in more affluent municipalities. Not having every house being a 4000sqft behemoth on an acre isn't a bad thing. No one is calling for turning west Hartford into Blade Runners LA
>Also minorities don’t have the ability to afford whatever you are talking about - lower income folks do. Race isn’t a factor to income qualified housing.
And honestly that's why this zoning pattern emerged, the supreme court said it was allowed and not directly racially motivated (even if it clearly was) and the trend caught on like wildfire. You honestly can't defend the accent of this more recent development mandates and try to uncouple it with racism.
Whaddaulookinat t1_itxkaiw wrote
Reply to comment by johnsonutah in How can we incentivize real discussions around solutions to home affordability in CT? by otter_spud
But almost to a person anyone that is opposed to any density is racist as shit. Think tunxis Hill in Fairfield is awful? Just cause minorities have the ability to afford there. I live there we have a ball, no matter what Go fuck yourself, I'm done with kid gloves on obvious racist tropes that are trying to be sly. Just had to use that trope didn't you?
Oh and btw where is the source of economic activity? Not in the suburbs nothing happens there. You just want an urban life without the give of living in a community. So again go fuck yourself
Whaddaulookinat t1_itxi37w wrote
Reply to comment by ThePermafrost in How can we incentivize real discussions around solutions to home affordability in CT? by otter_spud
Damn two in a row... This is now the most God damned stupid thing I've read... Not the brightest are ya?
Whaddaulookinat t1_itxgo11 wrote
Reply to comment by johnsonutah in How can we incentivize real discussions around solutions to home affordability in CT? by otter_spud
If they're defending a racist strategy, and it's not even subtle, we should kowtow to their feefees?
Whaddaulookinat t1_itxemo0 wrote
Reply to comment by Mental_Grapefruit726 in How can we incentivize real discussions around solutions to home affordability in CT? by otter_spud
>Homes never should have been an investment.
Thank you! And it wasn't until shockingly recently.
Whaddaulookinat t1_itxe4db wrote
Reply to comment by usernamedunbeentaken in How can we incentivize real discussions around solutions to home affordability in CT? by otter_spud
So not many single people would live in Wilton without kids if available, increasing the tax base with little additional strain to community resources (oh btw Wilton has had severe under enrollment for almost a decade before the COVID surge came in saving the town). I went to school in Wilton, many of my friends grew up there, I worked there for a long long time...
What you're describing is an utter fantasy dear Lord I am honestly just sure you don't interact out know the town as well as you seem to think. It's hard to debate people like you honestly because of the divorce of perspective
Whaddaulookinat t1_itxcmz6 wrote
Reply to comment by Frequent_Jelly_4138 in How can we incentivize real discussions around solutions to home affordability in CT? by otter_spud
And wealthy towns have the right to use the parts of a state power it likes and illegally ignore the responsibilities of that exact law? Jesus fuck that's a grim mindset
Whaddaulookinat t1_itxccxo wrote
Reply to comment by ThePermafrost in How can we incentivize real discussions around solutions to home affordability in CT? by otter_spud
This may be the most God damned stupid thing I've ever heard.
Whaddaulookinat t1_j2b26a0 wrote
Reply to comment by syd_211 in New to CT by syd_211
Best bet is to hit up New Haven coffee shops or the quieter pubs often. Familiarity breeds friendship here