Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ityy5g6 wrote
Reply to comment by Popbunny7 in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
I am on it already, such a fun group! Excited to go to some of the boler events throughout BC
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ityualg wrote
Reply to comment by Otavio30 in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
Maybe one day I can afford a cool old vehicle to tow it with, but I work with what I got haha
Whole_Cress8437 t1_ityejlq wrote
Reply to BIFL…I hope. Thursday Boots - Captain by JulianMarcello
Why not Blundstones? Not being cheeky, legitimately curious as I have always been skeptical of this company solely based on the fact they showed up in my Facebook feed around the same time a bunch of crappy boot ads did
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ityah72 wrote
Reply to comment by crackeddryice in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
Hearing that people drove around in these things with their families a whole 20 years before I was even born is one of the reasons I love it so much!
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ityabah wrote
Reply to comment by SerotoninSweetheart in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
Turns out for the trips we do I actually don’t need them, but my battery was a little low before we left so these helped keep it at an OK level
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ity3yyb wrote
Reply to comment by major153 in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
I only have a few but I have no idea how to add photos to a post I have already made! 😂
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ity3rzo wrote
Reply to comment by Joy2b in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
Thank you! It’s quite lovely, and will only get better with age!
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ity3clf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
It’s already got 50 years under its belt and still looks and feels amazing. Please, enlighten me oh wise throwaway.
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ity38i6 wrote
Reply to comment by GadreelsSword in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
All done before we purchased, as well as brand new tires!
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ity35wc wrote
Reply to comment by Blarghish in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
Not too many of these little Sportage’s towing things around! I had it installed when I got the trailer with a 4 pin adapter. It actually pulls it waaaaay better than I thought it would but you definitely need to be careful. The Sportage manual says to not exceed 100km/h and to stay between 2000-2500 RPM while climbing hills, as well as to not exceed 70 km/h while climbing; so it definitely isn’t something you can just slap a trailer on the back of and drive it like you stole it, but here’s hoping the transmission lasts me until I get a bigger vehicle for my family!
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_ity2trl wrote
Reply to comment by DaytonaDemon in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
I mean, it’s already lasted a lifetime. I am sorry that I was not around to buy this thing brand new in 1973.
EDIT: A frame that has also lasted 50 years, and still going strong. As a newbie to towing a trailer, I feel this is a natural phobia despite being highly unlikely. However, it is entirely possible to hit a pothole and there goes your frame, happens regardless of age.
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itxgvwn wrote
Reply to comment by Sunshineinanchorage in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
Anything around that size should do. You can google the towing capacity of vehicles. I believe the weight of these trailers is 1,000 ish pounds, but keep in mind thats before you load it with your camping gear! Realistically I should be probably size up my vehicle in the next few years due to all the stuff I have to take camping
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itwvuv0 wrote
Reply to comment by editorreilly in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
Did yours crack while you were towing? What kind of damage happened apart from the frame?
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itwvkdi wrote
Reply to comment by chewwydraper in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
That’s exactly how my wife and I felt, especially having small children. We either got a bigger trailer and a bigger vehicle or got this little egg and upgrade it as we see fit. So far so good!
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itwvds4 wrote
Reply to comment by Sunshineinanchorage in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
Thank you! 2017 Kia Sportage. It tows it surprisingly well.
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itwjcda wrote
Reply to comment by Dixinhermouth in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
I think 6 feet 8 inches. And yes hopefully next season we will be having real fires
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itwim2y wrote
Reply to comment by VEI8 in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
A gift from my mother! In that case probably Costco haha
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itwicnp wrote
Reply to comment by worthitall95 in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
We ended up paying $15,000 CAD. We feel like we maybe could have haggled for 13 or 14 but the fact it was owned by a family friend and RV mechanic I felt comfortable paying a little extra. Literally everything’s been done on it except a frame which we will do in a few years so once it’s paid off the costs should be minimal. If you find one he mindful of the frame and the doors as there is usually a large gap in most doors. It’s very common for these trailers but some people remove supports in the kitchen which only make the problem worse. Other than that it’s just two fibreglass halves stuck together with minimal eletronics so really it’s super simple and cheap (in the long run)
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itwhorr wrote
Reply to comment by blumpkinSpecial in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
Burn bans as well as it was our first time out and don’t have any wood
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itw9nr5 wrote
Reply to comment by Pathbauer1987 in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
I wish. That’s the only issue we may face but with how ridiculously hot BC has been lately we may just be fall/spring campers.
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itw3lfh wrote
Reply to comment by editorreilly in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
Ya I’m bummed mine didn’t come with it. Doesn’t even look like there’s brackets to hang it on. Thankfully the windows are brand new so I should get some good use out of them.
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_itvy6t9 wrote
Reply to comment by editorreilly in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
The whole frame could use replacing in the next few years anyways. But yes if I worry about one thing it is the whole thing snapping! Thankfully I bought it off of a family friend who is an RV mechanic so it should be good.
Whole_Cress8437 OP t1_iu0fcrv wrote
Reply to comment by TriGurl in New to me 1973 boler trailer. This thing should last me forever by Whole_Cress8437
Thank you! Unfortunately I don’t know right now as it’s not in my house but since it’s from my mom odds it’s from Costco!