
Wiked_Pissah t1_j6kic7c wrote

He's a POS who practically kidnapped and stranded a plane full of immigrants. He is horrically against teaching actual American history and prefers to stick his head up his ass instead. Crist was a horrible candidate, but the best that swampland Florida could come up with. That's the only reason Mr. Don't Say Gay won re-election. The rest of the country sees he is no different a POS than Trump. Maybe less of a con-man. But that's like saying this priest is better than that priest because he has molested fewer kids.


Wiked_Pissah t1_j63qyb8 wrote

Reply to What a tool by Matty_Bee63

In Litchfield, the dinosaurs that got re-elected are both against it. One even still calls Marijuana a gateway drug. These 90 year old politicians need to just finally die and let the world move on, instead of clinging on to the 50's lifestyle.


Wiked_Pissah t1_j56n9xr wrote

And this is where your ignorance shines so brightly. If you actually knew anyone you claim to be protecting you would have an idea of just how backward your thinking is. No parent has ever said "Gee, I really wish I had a son I stead of a girl. I think I am going to make them suffer through a lifetime of mental trauma and force them to become a girl" This never happens. The child starts to question their identity. I loving and responsible parent listens to them and talks with the child about why they think that. Maybe even finding others that have gone through the same thing so they can talk it out together. No one is proposing abuse. Quite the opposite in fact if you actually read what I am saying and think with an open mind.


Wiked_Pissah t1_j562zrk wrote

I wouldn't expect you to understand. You have demonstrated your ignorance on the subject exceptionally well. But as someone who actually knows people that have been abused, bullied and looked down on by people like you, I would stand by them a 1000x over. As for the violence part, I have stepped in and stopped plenty of fights that were not started by the person I was defending. But rather by the hateful bigot that felt the need to push their views on other people.


Wiked_Pissah t1_j55zn3i wrote

Actually taking hormones is reversible. But intelligent people already know that every human has both estrogen and testosterone in their body. Yes you, the man with all kinds of life regrets. Even you have estrogen in your body. It's the predominance of one or the other that determines things like growing breasts or a penis. A man that takes estrogen therapy making it the predominant hormone in their body will grow breasts to a degree. Same way a woman taking testosterone will grow facial hair. And I don't know of a single medical professional in this country that would take to cutting off a child's punishment until they are a legal adult and can make the decision for themselves.


Wiked_Pissah t1_j55ymp6 wrote

Spoken like a complete ignorant. Ask any gay person if they think being gay is a mental illness. I hope you get punched in the face for the question. Dysphoria happens more from someone not being supported to be themselves and think through their feelings, hence why the suicide rate is so high. I would hope a parent would live their child enough to be able to have an open, loving, and most importantly, non-judgmental conversation with their child if they were having these feelings. Not to automatically label them as mentally ill. This kind of naivety is exactly why mental health in this country is so bad. Just because someone has feelings or thinks different than you doesn't make them mentally ill. It just makes you an asshole.


Wiked_Pissah t1_j53wxfa wrote

Do you realize that most of those suicides happen because those bigot parents refuse to acknowledge that their child hates their body? They literally won't live long enough to get to "the age" you deem suitable for them to decide for themselves. Ask any LGBTQ adult when they felt they were Gay/Bi/Trans etc and almost all will say before they were adults. So by your logic, let's just let them feel tortured by bullies at school and hope they don't actually kill themselves as a result. Doesn't look like that has been working so well so far.


Wiked_Pissah t1_j1vpbnl wrote

Bottom line, I have lived with Pit Bulls as pets and known plenty of other people that have done the same and they have never been aggressive towards anyone. A dog, just like a human, if abused and taught to be fearful and angry will be aggressive. None of the dogs I have had have been that way. Pit Bulls get defended so much more because they are always vilified more. Are you the same kind of person to make the argument that all lives matter when statistically black lives end so much more?


Wiked_Pissah t1_j1sjt8d wrote

If that dog were a person and you said such a thing, I believe they refer to that as racism. I have met plenty of pit bulls that were as gentle as kittens. Dogs are not born evil, just like people are not. It is a learned behavior. Dogs most commonly act aggressive out of fear or pain. An abused dog is no different than an abused person. Both can kill.


Wiked_Pissah t1_iz56fct wrote

The first few primaries set the tone for much of the rest of the election. The inention is to move the first primary to a state that is more racially diverse and representative of the country as a whole. NH is 92% white, 2.7% asian and 1.55% black. SC is 69% white and 27% black and 2% asian. Nationally, the racial makeup is 75.8% white, 13.6% black and 6.1% asian. Obviously SC isn't a perfect choice but has more diversity than NH.


Wiked_Pissah t1_iynbuwt wrote


I'm sorry. You must have been living under a rock for the last 10 years with nothing but FOX propaganda to nourish your "mind". You see, there is a pattern of disinformation and lies that happens, on both sides. But someone that only sees one side of things like you wouldn't have any comprehension of that. Now THAT is a disappointing life!


Wiked_Pissah t1_iykrg0g wrote

Yeah. Cause the GOP, party of family values, never lies. Hell the 2 shitbags that got re-elected in my town, that promised to work bipartisanly to get things done, a week after they got elected are back to their shit-throwing ways blaming everyone else. They didn't even show up to vote for the most important issues in our town. They all lie. Don't pretend like Republicans are f'ing saints!