
Wiked_Pissah t1_ixvqvr9 wrote

Hey that's great. You don't give a shit. But I would prefer to see those people in the soup kitchen get taken care of for a little more than 1 meal. Greedy pieces of shit like Bezos are only doing what they are doing so they can screw the poor more in the long run. But hey, you don't give a shit. 👍👍


Wiked_Pissah t1_ivyx3vp wrote

Accepting?? Have you looked at some of the callous Transphobic comments in this very thread by so many asshats? Accepting is not the word I would use. Where I live we had a young gay man running for state office this week. Monday night he got a threatening email and on election day had numerous insults said to his face at the polling place. Acceptance my ass.


Wiked_Pissah t1_ivwywf8 wrote

Thank you for doing this. Fortunately, I have things handled this year. But in years past, maybe the future, this would be a very welcomed invite. Namaste


Wiked_Pissah t1_iud2sbd wrote

It's quite disheartening to see so many people thinking poorly of these guys when they admittedly know so little about them. Why not educate yourselves before casting judgement? For your information, since May they have very proudly featured designs on their merchandise that is done by people with a variety of disabilities. Henry Salas for example is completely paralyzed from the neck down, yet he paints and draws amazing designs by holding a pen in his mouth. A percentage of sales for his shirts goes directly back to him. They didn't buy the design from him to turn around and mass produce it to make a profit. Also, all of their shirts now utilize 5 colors. Those 5 colors represent the 5 people on average (5.45) that die from suicide every minute of the day in this country.

I have seen the happiness these guys bring to people firsthand. Last Christmas, they had a toy drive where they collected over 60,000 toys to give to any family that showed up at their venue. For free! And more than a few times, Justin has spent his own money to go out and buy toys or donate clothes to local kids he passes on the street. And the cash he gives out is out of his own pocket. Money he has earned. This isn't to get a pat on the back. He hates that actually. He does it to hopefully inspire others to do something similar. Because the feeling from helping others vs. Tearing them down is it's own reward. That's why I proudly volunteer to help out.

As for Jimmy and Davin, they are loved more than I can describe to you. They are not exploited or thought less of because of who they are. Because their disabilities are not looked at as disabilities. They are fully capable human beings. They are who they are and are perfect in their own way.


Wiked_Pissah t1_irbnq38 wrote

In 2006 I had a routine surgery at Elliot hospital that ended up with me in a coma for 2 weeks, ICU for 3 weeks and almost 8 weeks total in a hospital bed. All because of the surgeon screwing up. And I was the first of 3 surgeries that went bad with this Dr. My brother in law was assisting for him on one of the other surgeries and had to go before the board of directors at Elliot to give a statement. He said "Dr. was asking for his opinion (a PA) on what he should do next to the point where he felt very uncomfortable being in the operating room with him" This Dr. soon lost all privileges to practice at any NH hospital and I believe his licenses in general. A quick Google search shows him currently practicing in Lady Lake Florida.