
Willothwisp2303 t1_iybsdqo wrote

I wish we had some control over who gets our mortgage. Mine went to SunTrust, now Truist, and they repeatedly shorted me the cents on my payments. They were totally unsympathetic on the phone, told me I needed to mail or fax them proof, then never did anything when I did fax them proof. I figured out if I wrote out the cents on the amount line and not just the box they would credit it, but I'm STILL angry about it.


Willothwisp2303 t1_itqvx7d wrote

Requiring new politicians with new campaigns every so many years gives them a bigger focus on campaigning. That gives big $$$ donors a bigger voice. That gives the Smith shitheads more say, and more favors. That means you get less say and more shit.

So no, it's not good.


Willothwisp2303 t1_iqvy6gp wrote

Thanks! I'm out of free articles.

Did they discuss how wide those are? Going through Lutherville the light rail really is in people's backyards. I can't imagine they would want the trail touching the light rail tracks but there's not exactly wide margins around it. Would Ruxton allow a trail in the middle of their NIMBY area?