
WirelessBCupSupport t1_j68fw2x wrote

Title seems to imply the girl might have been huffing. Further investigation reveals "Autistic girl dies from access to over 40 cans of aerosol deodorants", Kinda want to look at the girl's parents for not being diligent on access to so much, and why the father makes it like its the deodorant's fault. Now, they no longer have their daughter.


WirelessBCupSupport t1_j68d6f1 wrote

I wonder if this is same issue neighbor had with his new Ranger. Seems 3 months after he got his truck, the rear cam would go out. Sometimes it was fine. After week or so at dealer, they gave it back with a shrug, "dunno, can't duplicate". 2 months after that, he get a call to come back to dealer. All they said was something about water intrusion causing it and there was a remediation. Hasn't had problem since.


WirelessBCupSupport t1_j5ou69t wrote

I got a call from some scam about my computer virus program expired and this is support. So I asked the fellow, clearly speaking with an Indian/Hindi accent, "Did you watch the BBC documentary on Modi?"

He hung up after swearing something (bozdicke or similar sounding) about my mother. Hey, if that works...I'm gonna watch this Documentary and take notes!


WirelessBCupSupport t1_j2dyjuo wrote

I think the failure for the laws to change that permitted the coverage of mental health, was the beginning of the end.

We need support of our citizens that don't have a solid family or foundation. Individuals have more stress on them without recourse or support. And access to that, penalizes them as "mental" label.

There are some I've met, that clearly had physical and physiological issues which would flag, "no, they should own a gun" and yet they do. And not just one. Don't even question them about it, or watch them get furious like some deprivation.

Everyone should have a mental health professional, just as anyone has a general doctor.


WirelessBCupSupport t1_j294vcp wrote

What is more important is that over 70% got one shot and that almost 70% are fully vax. The thing that is not talked about is only 33% are fully boosted and THAT needs to be over 70% to be endemic.

Vaccination will help prevent spread or minimize the effect of the SARS. But immune systems will handle what it can.


WirelessBCupSupport t1_j292x7j wrote

Wait. Aussies were authoritarian about Covid testing and isolation a year ago, and now, stats are showing the Chinese travelers are atleast 50% positive with Covid and this is ok?

Either faith in inoculations of its populace is being gambled on, or Australia has become a Chinese puppet.

Xi is up to something...