Wishiwashome t1_iwxoppr wrote
Reply to I recorded something very strange by withbite
This was absolutely a wonderful experience. Can you excuse me for adding a quick Millie story? Please forgive me. I am an old lady. I had an imaginary friend named Millie as a kid. Fast forward MANY years, I start to hospice foster senior dogs. I got a call that was kind of an exception in May of 2015. The dog was old, indeed, at least 8-9, but smallish and had a lot of life left in her. She was turned in because she was ugly. She sat for almost 8 months at a very busy county shelter. No one had the heart to PTS as she was really sweet, quiet and a lovely dog, just not a looker. Well, I adopted her. She never barked, never complained. She got ( for want of the technical term) dog dementia. It is slower on smaller dogs and I knew she had it, but she did well. She loved to walk on the property and my Heelers would follow her around and “pet sit” while I did trees or weeds. I lost her a hot 7/14/2022. I guess Millies are special. The old man said Thank you for helping him, and an old lady is saying thank you for the people who thought my Millie was ugly. She gave me great joy.
Wishiwashome t1_iwk215m wrote
Malcolm is ok in my book. OP, have you ever had any other “experiences “? I mean can you see other stuff?
Wishiwashome t1_iwk0z9i wrote
Reply to My dog started barking at nothing at 11:11AM everyday. I finally figured out what it was. by stinkybaddy
They say you get one dog of a lifetime. Fortune has smiled on me and given me a few. I often wonder what great deed I did in a previous life to deserve the dogs I have been given!? RIP Boo and to all our special once in a lifetime pals, however many we have had.
Wishiwashome t1_iwag34d wrote
Your mother is just as much to blame as your father. Disgusting. BOTH of them. I am sorry for Michael and I would watch your freak of a mother until you can you can take your dad’s book to the police.
Wishiwashome t1_ivs96kc wrote
Reply to comment by CandiBunnii in I have a secret admirer at work. Their notes have taken a dark turn. by GTripp14
Good idea!
Wishiwashome t1_ivs93ks wrote
Reply to comment by GTripp14 in I have a secret admirer at work. Their notes have taken a dark turn. by GTripp14
This was unreal? I mean, OP, surely your wife knew you were throwing them away? Had you been interested you would have left messages in response when they first started! I am glad you are ok, but would be very careful.
Wishiwashome t1_ivs8slf wrote
Reply to comment by redwolfben in I have a secret admirer at work. Their notes have taken a dark turn. by GTripp14
Me too.
Wishiwashome t1_iv9cemt wrote
Reply to comment by natakial2 in No one in my town can be outside between 2AM and 2:30AM. I am going to find out why. by UnknowedIndividual
Couldn’t agree more. Why not just open the door at 2 am or even better, look out the damn window? Also, I wonder how many other kids his age in the town ended up not reaching adulthood because of this? Wish these people would just tell their kids WHY when they reach an age they can explore on their own. I have seen way too many experiences here about these kind of towns.
Wishiwashome t1_iv8zpcy wrote
Reply to comment by Lilliputiana in My Twin Brother, the Parasite by Jaded_Toe1656
For sure.
Wishiwashome t1_iv8xogw wrote
I wonder if any of your classmates ever realized you being an underachiever saved them from being sacrificed?
Wishiwashome t1_iuzrgkw wrote
Reply to comment by pamperedthrowaway in When the stars and Moon vanish from the night sky, you better hide. (Part 2) by RichardSaxon
Good point!
Wishiwashome t1_iuzrfaj wrote
Reply to comment by Muted-Professor6746 in When the stars and Moon vanish from the night sky, you better hide. (Part 2) by RichardSaxon
Damn it! On the edge of my seat more now.
Wishiwashome t1_iuzr5lq wrote
Reply to comment by kersenkoekje in When the stars and Moon vanish from the night sky, you better hide. (Part 2) by RichardSaxon
Something is different this time, as OP says. I wonder if what he can’t recall is a key to this? As OP said, something definitely unusual. This could surely be it!
Wishiwashome t1_iuv3pis wrote
Reply to comment by zayc_ in I REALLY wish my ex-bf disclosed his 'pregnancy kink' a lot sooner... by lightingnations
Completely different than what I had in mind too.All I could think of is the parasites coming out of him in that house.
Wishiwashome t1_iuqh8l6 wrote
I wonder what OP needs to remember about the crash?! Can’t wait for more
Wishiwashome t1_iunuemb wrote
Reply to comment by Lady_Grey_Smith in Every Halloween the girl in the mask wants candy and nobody knows where she comes from. by Archives-H
Exactly my thoughts.
Wishiwashome t1_iumdxad wrote
Reply to comment by Verdewhis in Every Halloween the girl in the mask wants candy and nobody knows where she comes from. by Archives-H
For sure!
Wishiwashome t1_iulrdwj wrote
Reply to Every Halloween the girl in the mask wants candy and nobody knows where she comes from. by Archives-H
Let’s see; She is polite. She gets rid of religious fanatic morons. Can we clone her?
Wishiwashome t1_iugu98r wrote
Reply to comment by Skakilia in The Garden of Our New House has Very Specific Rules... by Jgrupe
Ok, you broke all the rules but it did take you months to water in autumn so they could have told you. I mean I do get aggravated when people break the rules, but they could have at least explained. If you didn’t believe them, I think I would have just trespassed and ripped the stuff out rather than a zombie takeover.
Wishiwashome t1_iugl5e3 wrote
Reply to comment by xXKikitoXx in My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. FINAL. by xXKikitoXx
Oh, please don’t be sorry! I understand completely. Great analogy. As a cat and dog owner( and lover), spot on! Fantastic interview, OP! I appreciate your response! Best of luck in your career, but I surely don’t think you will need it with skills like yours😊
Wishiwashome t1_iugix6c wrote
Reply to My Name is Stacy White, I'm an Investigative Journalist and I Interview Monsters. FINAL. by xXKikitoXx
OP, if I am incorrect in my assumption, please let me know. You said Eric is like a cat. Nathanial never felt like a father/ son, and I am surely not disagreeing as you know much more than me after meeting Molly, but do you feel as if either would have ever been used up and eaten? I am wondering if they were looked at as pets, well, was it like we who love our pets, see them? I mean we know we will outlive most of them but we could never eat them. Sorry if a dumb question. I really like Eric and just wonder your opinion.Thank you.
Wishiwashome t1_iugf8s1 wrote
Reply to comment by Safe_Soup7112 in My son and I spent a night at a motel. I couldn’t believe what was in our room. by genuinelygrim
I needed that.
Wishiwashome t1_iudhggn wrote
Reply to I live on a farm that is still very much in touch with its pagan origins, and I'd like to share some of my stories Part 5 by withywoodwitch
I wonder how many other people, like myself, travel their life’s timeline with the dog they had? I have been so lucky to have some wonderful dogs in my life.
Wishiwashome t1_iucetct wrote
Reply to comment by TheodosiaBurrGoodman in There’s a vending machine on campus that doesn’t just dispense soda and snacks. by RobertMort
Sounds to me like if the vending machine could have winked, it would have!
Wishiwashome t1_iwxou83 wrote
Reply to comment by NienieDreamer in I recorded something very strange by withbite
Isn’t that wonderful??