
Wishiwashome t1_iwxoppr wrote

This was absolutely a wonderful experience. Can you excuse me for adding a quick Millie story? Please forgive me. I am an old lady. I had an imaginary friend named Millie as a kid. Fast forward MANY years, I start to hospice foster senior dogs. I got a call that was kind of an exception in May of 2015. The dog was old, indeed, at least 8-9, but smallish and had a lot of life left in her. She was turned in because she was ugly. She sat for almost 8 months at a very busy county shelter. No one had the heart to PTS as she was really sweet, quiet and a lovely dog, just not a looker. Well, I adopted her. She never barked, never complained. She got ( for want of the technical term) dog dementia. It is slower on smaller dogs and I knew she had it, but she did well. She loved to walk on the property and my Heelers would follow her around and “pet sit” while I did trees or weeds. I lost her a hot 7/14/2022. I guess Millies are special. The old man said Thank you for helping him, and an old lady is saying thank you for the people who thought my Millie was ugly. She gave me great joy.


Wishiwashome t1_iv9cemt wrote

Couldn’t agree more. Why not just open the door at 2 am or even better, look out the damn window? Also, I wonder how many other kids his age in the town ended up not reaching adulthood because of this? Wish these people would just tell their kids WHY when they reach an age they can explore on their own. I have seen way too many experiences here about these kind of towns.


Wishiwashome t1_iugu98r wrote

Ok, you broke all the rules but it did take you months to water in autumn so they could have told you. I mean I do get aggravated when people break the rules, but they could have at least explained. If you didn’t believe them, I think I would have just trespassed and ripped the stuff out rather than a zombie takeover.


Wishiwashome t1_iugix6c wrote

OP, if I am incorrect in my assumption, please let me know. You said Eric is like a cat. Nathanial never felt like a father/ son, and I am surely not disagreeing as you know much more than me after meeting Molly, but do you feel as if either would have ever been used up and eaten? I am wondering if they were looked at as pets, well, was it like we who love our pets, see them? I mean we know we will outlive most of them but we could never eat them. Sorry if a dumb question. I really like Eric and just wonder your opinion.Thank you.