
Wishiwashome t1_j1su8m7 wrote

TBH, I was wondering if you were wrong, OP, until your “brother” went from being adopted a few months prior to being “twins” in less than 24 hours. Only thing I worry about is YOU are going to spend the rest of your juvenile life ( and maybe some of your adult life) in psychiatric confinement or prison.


Wishiwashome t1_j1bkpvr wrote

Reply to Mall Santas by Verastahl

You tried to be a good friend OP. I am so sorry for Wally. It sounds as if he truly liked you. Sounds as if the time you spent as his friend made a difference to him. I hope you give yourself a chance to keep making a difference for others. And maybe talk to someone so you can stay safe.


Wishiwashome t1_izr0ojy wrote

You can’t if you are dead! Get out of there right now. He probably won’t come with you, but find out the story behind the house. One of those native town’s people will talk. If you can trick him into leaving, do so. If not, get help to get him out and burn the house to the ground! Had to edit, good luck


Wishiwashome t1_izqurev wrote

Why are you still there, OP? For crying out loud, leave ( hotel, Walmart parking lot, a tent, whatever), ask anyone and everyone in that small town what happened at that house. You MAY be able to save your husband BUT if you are dead you won’t be able to do anything for him. He may be too far gone, but he will surely be if that house and Jane get to you before him!


Wishiwashome t1_iy7hjk9 wrote

First off, I starting humming the song “ I Am a Lineman for the County. Not a county music fan, but that was on the top 40 when I was a kid:) OP, I am hoping this “visitor”? doesn’t make a habit of this? Did you talk to anyone else about this? Your boss? Any other linemen?


Wishiwashome t1_iy6iz5y wrote

As someone who has rare poultry and has learned about it through the years, I can assure you, poultry are reptiles. They are vicious, cannibals for the most part. I have “friendly” breeds and they are good parents ( chickens, turkeys, guineas, ducks and geese) BUT don’t me started talking about the conditions of huge poultry slaughter houses( and egg farms) While heritage turkeys can live 12-15 years( I have a hen who is 16), the ones most prevalent must be slaughtered very young. Same with meat chickens. I do not own cows, BUT I live near a lot of dairy farms. Poor things drop like flies in summer heat of the desert, get pneumonia as soon as monsoons come, and really do have males taken at birth and “disposed of”:( Pigs ( I have a pet pig, my dog found) really will eat anything BUT they are clean about their bathroom habits. Sorry for long post, OP. Are you going to be safe for exposing them?


Wishiwashome t1_iwxzu9g wrote

Thank you Sweetheart. The last year of her life was a lot of care, and I confess I kind of was hoping to see a Millie symbol from the universe that she was aware how much I loved her those days when her body was still so healthy but her mind was failing. I appreciate your kind words bunches!