Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j9u42jm wrote
Reply to Ribs in northern NJ? by poland626
Jim Dandy’s in Nutley. Full rack for half rack price on Mondays. Enjoy they’re banging!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j9u3znc wrote
Reply to comment by thesoggydingo in Ribs in northern NJ? by poland626
This is the way. full rack for half rack price on Mondays too!!!!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j9sc2eo wrote
Reply to comment by MDNTNWK in Hey yall; Midnight here. by MDNTNWK
No need. The North Ward appreciates you!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j9sbhs0 wrote
Reply to Hey yall; Midnight here. by MDNTNWK
I was worried about you. Haven’t heard from you in a minute. Stay safe midnight!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j9ofx37 wrote
Reply to Good/memorable stage stunts? by BoostedBonozo202
Eddie Vedder’s death defying, rig climbing, high diving, crowd surfing stunt during the bands early days while playing Even Flow come to mind first.
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j9jz48p wrote
I’ve heard Springsteen play Born in the USA and Pearl Jam play 10 both nose to toes as I like to call it. It’s always an exciting moment when you realize this is what the artists is doing.
Going into the Springsteen show I was aware an album would be played but not which one and the PJ playing of Ten was a total surprise.
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j7qwlhl wrote
Check out branch Brook park. Not sure where in the city you are but the light rail has a stop for the park. It’s the next to last stop with penn station at ur back.
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j7d7lzk wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Hillside stuff to do? by [deleted]
Do it! I suggest the grilled pork chop. It’s comes deconstructed so you’ll get a quart of amazing bone broth with all the accoutrement on the side for you to combine to your liking! Life changing! Let us know!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j7b0zq2 wrote
Reply to comment by Isuckatreddit69NICE in Hillside stuff to do? by [deleted]
Second Bihn Duong for pho. I’m a regular at the first.
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j78ogsn wrote
Reply to Ey yall, Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here. Went on patrol Thursday Night and decided to snap this photo. by MDNTNWK
Thank you midnight! Be safe! Our north ward needs heroes like you!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j7360gc wrote
Reply to Places to go to speak Russian by PassportNerd
Duo lingo app
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j6rspso wrote
Reply to Tuesday afternoon - place to be? by Mrsoglio
Can we just pin a “things to do in Newark” thread to the top of the sub. I can only type Casa de Paco so many times…
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j6oi6tz wrote
Reply to Anyone know of a good 3 day weekend trip in or around the New Jersey area? by amitygoodtogo
Dare I say, Philly…
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j6ohyg3 wrote
Reply to comment by Southern-Molasses-47 in Anyone know of a good 3 day weekend trip in or around the New Jersey area? by amitygoodtogo
Chaps pit beef!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j6byn0d wrote
Reply to comment by MDNTNWK in Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here again; Went on patrol tonight. thankfully quiet. Rip to the man who lost his life last night during a downtown adjacent shooting. by MDNTNWK
I have. And yes. Perp was arrested after a couple of break ins. He’s been released and is up to his old tricks.
If you makes rounds. Think of us up by the park. Thanks Midnight!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j6by8tq wrote
Reply to comment by MDNTNWK in Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here again; Went on patrol tonight. thankfully quiet. Rip to the man who lost his life last night during a downtown adjacent shooting. by MDNTNWK
Lol I know for real but I appreciate you like you are! Stay safe!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j6by4br wrote
Reply to comment by MDNTNWK in Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here again; Went on patrol tonight. thankfully quiet. Rip to the man who lost his life last night during a downtown adjacent shooting. by MDNTNWK
We love you midnight! Thank you!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j6by0hw wrote
Reply to comment by MDNTNWK in Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here again; Went on patrol tonight. thankfully quiet. Rip to the man who lost his life last night during a downtown adjacent shooting. by MDNTNWK
Thank you Midnight!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j6bxxcd wrote
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j6bxvx1 wrote
Reply to Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here again; Went on patrol tonight. thankfully quiet. Rip to the man who lost his life last night during a downtown adjacent shooting. by MDNTNWK
Thanks midnight! Had my window busted a few times by the branch Brook light rail station in the northward. If you can keep a look out, I’d appreciate it! Stay safe!!!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j6aayi8 wrote
Reply to comment by ToastedSimian in NJ Cat owners by biiillyyyyyy
Honestly…I thought it was funny. Sorry if it’s not your sense of humor. Have a great day anyway!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j69cxox wrote
Reply to NJ Cat owners by biiillyyyyyy
I’m so happy I don’t have a cat. Bring the hate. 😂
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j6236ef wrote
Reply to Where can I take a train to have a nice walk by Browen20
Take the train to Newark Penn and jump on the light rail to branch Brook park. It’s huge and beautiful. Especially for the cherry blossom festival in early April.
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j61yoks wrote
Reply to Friendly Neighborhood Midnight here; got this picture the other night on a perch during patrol. Is it me or has the north part of Newark been..TOO quiet? Either Citizens coverage of crime up here stopped or the 100 new officers are actually doing their jobs- by MDNTNWK
Thanks for keeping The North Wars safe! Be careful out there Midnight!
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j9vkz5x wrote
Reply to comment by thistooshallpass11 in Ribs in northern NJ? by poland626
You won’t be sorry. There’s a dive bar connected called the mud hole for an after dinner drink if u like.