
Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j208hc9 wrote

Yes. You can get around easily now. Roads clear quickly. An Uber will take you to JFK if you want. I guess it will be around $150-200 because Baskin Ridge is kind of far. Scheduling in advance is your best bet. Driving shouldn’t be difficult though. Leave lots of time to account for traffic and customs. The route you explain is most likely the best. They are two different high ways but will get you to JFK.


Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_j1uhs10 wrote

Before the doctors join larger medical groups they are also very much for profit. It’s not the group that introduces the physicians to a for profit model they just make it easier for the doctor to practice medicine and not focus on the business side of things.

Nun and ground breaking chair of the American Hospital Association, Sister Irene Kraus, famously said it best “no margin, no mission”.


Wonderful_Ad3017 t1_itzt6re wrote

IMO you have to take into account the times these albums were made. Metallica may not have invented metal but they changed it (one can argue if they changed it for better or worse). When Master of Puppets was released it was heavy metal and it remains a classic metal album in my mind. They’re later stuff, everything after and justice…goes pretty main stream. The video for One put them over in the mtv pop world and changed how Metallica was perceived, how they acted, and how they wrote music.