
WordsAreSomething t1_iuifcrb wrote

>seeing modern reviews of people calling it problematic and terrible.

Did those reviews not say what they found problematic and terrible or something?

>if anything it’s representative of minorities etc?

I have no problem with Friends I just finished rewatching it recently, but this has to be trolling.


WordsAreSomething t1_iuagj7f wrote

My whole point is that there doesn't need to narrative reason for nonwhite people to exist. If the only reason you're critical of the race of the characters in ROP is because "historical lore" then I think you need to reconsider your perspective.


WordsAreSomething t1_iuae8z6 wrote

>Yes. For the same reason why I would need a reason for White, Latino or Asian people to exist in Wakanda before they went international.

Yeah because a completely fictional land is the same as a fictional country in the real world and they need to follow the same thought process for the race of the inhabitants.

There is no reason a elf needs to be white.


WordsAreSomething t1_itzotgn wrote

Shows that are set in space have been done on a budget because the setting for a show in space doesn't need to be more than a set of a ship with some windows with space comped onto it.

Those shows don't have a character interacting with space regularly. And even if you took space out of it entirely like the Green Lantern movie did, the CGI required to make action scenes with the character high quality requires a budget.


WordsAreSomething t1_itzno6v wrote

Budget matters depending on the genre of show. If you tried to reduce the budget of HotD it would make the show significantly worse.

The budget of a sitcom or straight drama program probably doesn't matter that much, but for a show of this nature is changes the quality dramatically.


WordsAreSomething t1_itr8uqh wrote

>kinda becoming the very thing they swore to destroy with the different tiers, predatory policies, normalization of binging short seasons, and even being seen as show killers (where a show gets moved for last season before ending) etc. etc. etc.

I don't remember streaming promising to not do any of those things.