Wrinklestiltskin t1_j0u4rnz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Homeless man arrested for stealing excavator to help man change his tire in Downtown by Mr_Blite
No it's not. I had a MySpace back in the day, but I've never had a FB and never will. Plus less and less people are using it as the years go on.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_izfdcla wrote
Reply to comment by KrazolS in weed is legal 🪴 by ancientaroma79
Off by 5%. According to this website's stats, around 25% of Springfield's population is enrolled in college.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_ize7ybx wrote
Reply to comment by KrazolS in weed is legal 🪴 by ancientaroma79
I mean.. Isn't like 30% of Springfield's population in college?.. That's certainly a college town in my mind.
I mean, Springfield is more than that, but it is still very much a college town.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_ize7mtz wrote
Reply to comment by Shondelle in weed is legal 🪴 by ancientaroma79
We'll have less opioid deaths, more tax revenue, more jobs... Things will certainly change, but not in line with the deluded slippery slope the right has fabricated.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_iyr4t2o wrote
Reply to Medication shortage iso solutions by hmmmmm22irrelevant
I would check with the Burrell pharmacies at Transitions or on Bradford pkwy. They tend to remain well-stocked on psych meds even when typical pharmacies (CVS, Walgreens, Walmart) have low/no stock.
Edit: Love the anti-Burrell circle-jerk in this sub. Downvote all you want but this has consistently held true, even when we had pandemic related manufacturing/distribution/supply chain issues.
Meanwhile the Turner Center suggestion is upvoted, despite the repeated issues I've known to come from that mismanaged pharmacy.
I say this as a bitter, burned out Burrell employee who laments our organization's leadership. But go ahead and downvote a genuine suggestion trying to help someone. Or maybe pull your biased head out of your ass. Nah, that'll never happen...
Edit 2: Never mind, the Turner Center suggestion is downvoted too now haha
Wrinklestiltskin t1_iyhixl5 wrote
Reply to comment by flexpercep in Anyone know of places needing people? by [deleted]
Funny knowing plenty of my clients have crossed paths with you then. I'm a caseworker for adults and it's not unusual to have a client hospitalized every 2 weeks or so. You guys are way better than the Marian Center.. And 100 times better than Mercy's overflow facility in Joplin...
Wrinklestiltskin t1_ixzfnid wrote
Reply to comment by Netzapper in Physicians: Cox vs Mercy? by [deleted]
Oh yeah I understood what you meant. That was just my two cents..
Wrinklestiltskin t1_ixyzb96 wrote
Reply to comment by Netzapper in Physicians: Cox vs Mercy? by [deleted]
The thing about comparing anecdotes between Cox and Mercy is that the negative anecdotes for Mercy far outnumber the negative anecdotes for Cox.
I've also heard nothing but bad things regarding employee treatment and work culture at Mercy from people who've worked there. I've also had more problems with Mercy in regard to my line of work as a caseworker.
I'd love to see some independent metrics on both employee and consumer satisfaction between Cox and Mercy.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_ixyym1d wrote
Reply to Physicians: Cox vs Mercy? by [deleted]
I'm a caseworker for adults and go to many doctors appointments. I have to say Cox hands down. I've felt like they've provided better care, and their services are way more reliable. I've run into many issues with Mercy screwing up appointments, rescheduling without contacting me or my clients, and I have been less happy with Mercy providers overall (not that there aren't good ones).
I've had these same issues with Cox, but much less frequently. Most of my clients prefer Cox over Mercy.
I've also been very disappointed by Mercy's Marian Center, and would strongly recommend going to Cox North over Mercy for psychiatric hospitalizations (also recommend Burrell's Rapid Access Center before letting the crisis escalate to requiring hospitalization). God forbid the Marian Center is full and they send you off to the rundown overflow facility in Joplin.... Haven't gone out there in years, but that place was a shithole last I was.
Nowhere is perfect, but Mercy is much farther from reaching that mark than Cox in my opinion. I go to Cox over Mercy for all of my providers.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_ixqbaan wrote
Reply to comment by UncrustabIes in Adidas launches probe into misconduct allegations against Kanye West by AsherBaels
I feel like the sales will surely drop without his attachment to the brand/the hype he'd always bring. They're such absolutely hideous shoes when you take off the hype goggles. Looks like a project a middle-schooler would do in shop class, recycling a burlap potato sack into the uppers. Obviously just my opinion, but damn are they ugly shoes...
Wrinklestiltskin t1_ixcvqe5 wrote
Reply to comment by ShartsvilleDestroyer in Health Department, CoxHealth, Mercy and Jordan Valley urge precautions to prevent respiratory illnesses by Sgchd
I'm an unfortunate case in which I've been sick for a week now, with such bad chest congestion I can hardly sleep and sometimes I feel like I've got COPD with how little oxygen I get at times. I'm finally breaking up the chest congestion, but I've been closely watching for pneumonia.
I don't normally get sick, and I've got a great immune system. But this RSV has absolutely kicked my ass.... I read an article recently talking about how RSV is infecting more adults than usual this year, with higher likelihood of more severe symptoms than in the past.
RSV may not be as concerning for adults, but I certainly don't recommend it...
Wrinklestiltskin t1_ix3vdhh wrote
Reply to Never by Stonkatron69
r/MemefieldMO is this way....
Wrinklestiltskin t1_ivn9w6e wrote
Reply to comment by Dbol504 in 2022 November General election results by allengator86
Pretty satisfying, not gonna lie.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_ivjt6rj wrote
Reply to comment by pexelto in University Heights “Save our homes” signs: what is going on? by Jimithyashford
> But, now I have 10x more traffic down what used to be a very quiet side street in front of my house, accidents, people parking where they shouldn't, etc.
A couple other honorable mentions is all the broken glass (beer bottles) and used syringes that come with more traffic.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_ivjspgg wrote
Reply to comment by 417SKCFAN in University Heights “Save our homes” signs: what is going on? by Jimithyashford
A lie is a lie. No reason to believe any of his other claims. He's demonstrated that he is dishonest.
Thanks for the info.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_iui9zua wrote
Reply to comment by Sgthouse in If living in Springfield was a video game what tips would you get on the loading screen? by Xefjord
Patriot front is the same thing as stormfront. It was just originally called stormfront. And that's good you tore that trash down!
Wrinklestiltskin t1_iui98ju wrote
Reply to comment by jakedmj in If living in Springfield was a video game what tips would you get on the loading screen? by Xefjord
I appreciate that. In all honesty, the hardest part of my job is the bureaucracy and obligations of my organization. Despite moments of burnout, it's never come from my clients; just my employer. I think most of us in mental health are in it because we're damaged goods as well. Helping others helps myself and my own struggle with major depression. I can't imagine a more rewarding experience than helping people transition from residential care facilities to more independent community housing. Playing a part in positive changes in someone's life like that helps keep me going. It's just as selfish as it is selfless haha.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_iui7osr wrote
Reply to comment by jakedmj in If living in Springfield was a video game what tips would you get on the loading screen? by Xefjord
I'm glad you both are in a more stable place now. I can't imagine the hardship of being homeless. I have worked with many formerly homeless individuals from our area and even still I can't begin to imagine how difficult that life is...
And I never wanted to come off like sharing your cigs is wrong or anything. It's just good to be able to say no from time to time and not feel pressured or guilty for our decision. Bumming a cig from someone can make you feel like someone else cares enough to share, and that is a good thing. But it can just as easily prevent you from hanging onto your own possessions out of perceived obligations.
Like everything in life, it's about moderation and it is not black and white. As in, it's not inherently good or bad to share your smokes. It's all about balance.
I'm sure you have enough life experience from your challenges to know that we all really live in the grey, and that people are too complicated to be put into labels as restrictive as 'good' or 'bad' or 'black' and 'white' sort of thinking. We all just have to try to find the right balance in our lives.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_iuhyz42 wrote
Reply to comment by Sgthouse in If living in Springfield was a video game what tips would you get on the loading screen? by Xefjord
Stupid autocorrect.... It's a neo-nazi forum.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_iuhymzb wrote
Reply to comment by jakedmj in If living in Springfield was a video game what tips would you get on the loading screen? by Xefjord
I'm a caseworker for adults with severe, debilitating mental illness and also work with an overlap of DD individuals. They need boundaries and to have people say no to them sometimes. I teach them about the right to refusal as well, because they stress each other out bumming cigs off each other constantly. Very common complaint I receive from my clients who smoke. There's typically rules against it at group homes/care facilities because it's a constant source of conflict and drama.
None of us are born assertive; it is a skill we have to learn and acquire thru practice. Saying "no" doesn't mean you're inconsiderate/unempathetic; it isn't rude; it's not anger; it's self-advocacy.
Share your cigarettes if you'd like. But you should not feel compelled to do so.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_iuhxq6x wrote
Reply to comment by Sgthouse in If living in Springfield was a video game what tips would you get on the loading screen? by Xefjord
I mean the pieces of shit putting up storefront *Stormfront posters in our city. Literally neo-nazis...
Wrinklestiltskin t1_iuhq3di wrote
Reply to comment by Wyldfire2112 in If living in Springfield was a video game what tips would you get on the loading screen? by Xefjord
There should be a warning that to the non-natives, Mexican villa will cause a diarrhea debuff.
Wrinklestiltskin t1_iuhpooy wrote
Reply to comment by Sgthouse in If living in Springfield was a video game what tips would you get on the loading screen? by Xefjord
Oh no, did you feel personally attacked by someone calling out nazis?..
Wrinklestiltskin t1_iuhpk1q wrote
Reply to comment by BaroquenLarynx in If living in Springfield was a video game what tips would you get on the loading screen? by Xefjord
Wrinklestiltskin t1_j0u75y2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Homeless man arrested for stealing excavator to help man change his tire in Downtown by Mr_Blite
> Because obviously I have used Facebook, if you live in America that's a given.
My point was your statement is false. That is all.