
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_j2doyqi wrote

You can't separate the two because in real life they are in constant conflict with each other.

Because people take masks off constantly to eat/drink/talk to their buddy 2 feet away, the entire premise behind the mandate collapses into reality, where we've seen case rates are basically the same with or without a mandate.

There's a reason we've never wasted time trying to impose mask mandates pre-covid.


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_j2cl2fg wrote

Yes, for some reason people think kids actually like wearing masks. Most don't.

My 3 year old who "likes" wearing a mask simultaneously drools all over them so how effective can it really be? The day his daycare dropped the mask requirement he became much happier to not have to fumble with it. My 8 year old found them annoying but tolerated it because no one gave him a choice. The day his school lifted the mandate he stopped wearing one and refuses to wear one again unless we're in a situation where he literally has no choice.


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_j2ckrcd wrote

>Also, the risk of serious illness isn't the only reason to wear a mask. Given the choice of being sick for a few days (covid, influenza, etc.) or not being sick for a few days, I'd much rather not be sick.

People caught covid while wearing masks...

Presenting masks as a 100% effective way to prevent getting sick is completely nuts.


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_j23db65 wrote

Reply to comment by jro10 in Boston Public Schools 101 by HappyGoLucky796

I know a few people who went to BPS or have kids in it. The only people who speak positively about it are people who genuinely need to justify their decision to gamble with their kids' future to convince themselves they didn't make the wrong decision. Everyone else has nothing good to say and either switched to private school or moved to the burbs.