Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ix8i0xa wrote
XV Beacon has in room fireplaces but honestly your budget is too low to get all these boxes checked at a hotel. New England is just expensive.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ix5zfjt wrote
Reply to comment by husky5050 in Are lobster sellers open on thanksgiving? by AegonIXth
Yeah and they close super early. I tried to get food from them one year and they were closed at like 1 pm lol
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ix5venv wrote
Reply to Are lobster sellers open on thanksgiving? by AegonIXth
You should expect everything short of a CVS or 7-11 to be closed.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ix0ednn wrote
Buy a box of Duncan Hines cake mix and some icing.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivqnbuo wrote
Reply to comment by metallzoa in Who else is surprised Q4 was so close? by 737900ER
Yeah I'm sure someone handed a wad of cash every day is applying for an EIN and opening an LLC.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivq4pf1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Who else is surprised Q4 was so close? by 737900ER
Without more information on your "reason" no one can answer that.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivprg9x wrote
Reply to comment by hatersbelearners in Who else is surprised Q4 was so close? by 737900ER
Please name a first world country that let's people without legal status get a driver's license.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivprbg0 wrote
Reply to comment by ForwardBound in Who else is surprised Q4 was so close? by 737900ER
If undocumented people are paying taxes, it's usually because they stole someone's documents to get through e-verify. I think there's a lot of people who are willing to whitewash the truth about the problems that go along with illegal immigration. Now sure you could certainly take the position that we should just hand out legal status to anyone with a pulse who wants it, but that's not really a fair system either, nor is it one which most countries can reasonably have.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivpdpog wrote
Reply to comment by pillbinge in Who else is surprised Q4 was so close? by 737900ER
To get a driver's license in Mexico, you need to provide proof of legal status. Let that sink in.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivp8i5d wrote
Reply to comment by kimfair in Who else is surprised Q4 was so close? by 737900ER
Insurance in MA is ridiculously expensive even for legal residents. I cannot see any reason why someone here illegally would go through the hassle and expense of doing things "the right way" when they already failed to do that to move here.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivp8be6 wrote
Reply to comment by TouchDownBurrito in Who else is surprised Q4 was so close? by 737900ER
That's only the case if they bother to go through the effort of getting a license. There is no real incentive to do so if they've been managing this long without bothering.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivp77le wrote
Reply to Who else is surprised Q4 was so close? by 737900ER
No one can really present a compelling reason why people here illegally should be allowed to get a driver's license. Most countries do not allow such silliness.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivjn482 wrote
Reply to comment by HobNailBoots1 in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
Since when do dentists lose money? They don't make money on cleanings, they make money on cosmetic stuff which insurance doesn't cover anyway.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivjmxoo wrote
Reply to comment by HobNailBoots1 in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
There are a million different variations of dental insurance mostly driven by how much an employer is willing to spend on coverage. Cherry picking the crappiest plans to make a point is silly.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivjmnf3 wrote
Reply to comment by HobNailBoots1 in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
I mean, I've had thousands of dollars of work mostly covered by the insurance.
I agree that if all you need is two cleanings a year and nothing else, then yeah it's cheaper to go without the insurance. But you can't really anticipate major tooth problems.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivjm78e wrote
Reply to comment by 9Z7EErh9Et0y0Yjt98A4 in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
The fact is most people are paying significantly more for health insurance than they were before the ACA. That some people get a check for a couple bucks doesn't offset that.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivhyv3i wrote
Reply to comment by Itchy-Marionberry-62 in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
I've yet to find a dentist who doesn't support this tbh.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivhyrg2 wrote
Reply to comment by 9Z7EErh9Et0y0Yjt98A4 in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
I've never seen my health insurance get less expensive nor have I ever received a penny in premium rebates. It never ever happens.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivhyazf wrote
Reply to comment by wackoquacko in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
No, they won't. If the insurers can't make money here they will leave the state. We'll then be stuck paying more to no name insurance companies that don't operate anywhere else because they won't have the ability to control costs like the big networks do.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivhfpwx wrote
Reply to comment by husky5050 in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
The only thing dentists worry about is getting paid. They love this ballot question because it's more "convenient" to have the insurance companies pay them instead of making patients pay more
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivh6jdg wrote
Reply to comment by Comfortable-Scar4643 in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
It's not a scam, there's just no way they can possibly price it at a rate that would cover "everything" without charging an excessive amount of money to people who just need some cleanings and x rays.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivgkpir wrote
Reply to comment by Jimmyking4ever in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
Most countries with universal health care exclude dental
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivgh2ga wrote
Reply to comment by Jimmyking4ever in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
Because it's not gonna happen. They have to spend 80% of all the premiums they collect on claims. How much you as an individual use is completely irrelevant.
Dentists will just charge the insurance companies more so any cost savings will evaporate.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivfw0ta wrote
Reply to comment by NoMoLerking in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
Is it good for consumers though? I see zero reason to think it actually is.
Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ixi3qyl wrote
Reply to comment by UsernameTaken93456 in The 17 victims of the Hingham Apple Store crash might have to share a $40,000 insurance payout. by il_biciclista
There's no amount of insurance that could fully cover claims like this where over 20 people are involved. It's literally a waste of time to even argue about how much insurance this guy could/should have.