
Xeludon t1_iuczcvz wrote




They all have multiple embassies in many different countries, Scotland has the most, the Republic of Ireland has a lot, with Northern Ireland not having as many but still having some.

Switzerland is one country, not multiple.

You're a fucking idiot.

This is like you saying "Europe is one country" or "Korea is one country".


Xeludon t1_iuctf1h wrote

That's not the same thing.

The UK is 4 separate countries, it's ruled similarly to the EU, with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland having their own governments and laws.

The U.S. is a cesspool of terrorists, racists and murderers, all heavily indoctrinated by propaganda and all exceptionally self-centred.

One of the only countries where free healthcare is seen as bad because "i'M nOt pAyInG fOr sOmEoNe eLsE!" Yet they don't see the hypocrisy in saying that and then using insurance.

Swiss cantons are Swiss

Just because you aren't intelligent enough to understand that the UK is 4 countries, doesn't mean they aren't.

You even ignored the link I sent, lol.

Scotland is actively trying to get out of the UK, as is Northern Ireland and Wales.


Xeludon t1_iubhhsa wrote

Ofcourse there is, they're all legitimate countries, there's no place for the U.S. Ofcourse, but Wales is like any other country.

By your logic, most African countries aren't legitimate because they have more English speakers than speakers of the native languages.

Are aboriginal Australians not valid?

Scotland has a vast amount of culture, as does Wales, Northern Ireland and England, they're 4 separate countries with 4 separate flags, the Union flag 🇬🇧 is a flag that combines all 4 into one flag.

I can't find the Northern Ireland flag on here, but it's basically a red diagonal cross on a white background.



Xeludon t1_iub392a wrote

It depends.

The English tried to commit genocide against the natives of all 3 countries, so the most spoken was English, however the countries are all gaining the language back and its been steadily growing.

The outer islands and lands of Scotland speak Gælic almost exclusively with most Scots speaking something called "Scots" which is a kind of hybrid.

They have tv channels exclusively in Scottish gælic.

Road signs are also in gælic.

In Wales, road signs are all in Welsh, with the number of people who speak Welsh as their first and only language growing heavily.

They have many TV channels which are exclusively in Welsh. 29% of the population of Wales speak Welsh, the number grows higher constantly.

In Ireland, all road signs are in Irish Gælic, many TV channels in Irish etc.

You'd have to be pretty fucking stupid and xenophobic to say or think the UK is one country and to deny the culture and ethnicity of those countries.


Xeludon t1_iuajqj4 wrote

I mean, sure, but what difference does any of that make to anyone who isn't a botanist?

Strawberries, raspberries and blackberries will always be berries, because everyone sees small, roundish fruit as berries.

The definition of a berry is "a small, roundish, juicy fruit without a stone." They fit the definition.

Berries are also any various kernels and seeds, like coffee beans.

Basically; they're berries.


Xeludon t1_iuaf0r0 wrote

There really is, completely different people, completely different cultures and completely different languages.

Here is "Hello, how are you today?" In Welsh, Scottish and Irish;

Welsh; "Helo, sut wyt ti heddiw?"

Scottish; "Halo, Ciamar a tha thu an-diugh?"

Irish; "Dia duit conas atá tú inniu?"


Xeludon t1_is0jl1l wrote

There's many, many emergency responders in this thread who are all saying they do, and a quick Google search will show you that they do if they need to.

If you have a very butch or very effeminate person and you can't tell, do you think taking a guess is appropriate?

Guessing in an emergency situation gets people killed.


Xeludon t1_is0dxt6 wrote

In an emergency situation, with an unconscious patient who is close to death, what do you think is easier; confirming by I.D. or getting permission to go through private medical records, then sorting through them on a computer until you find the sex of the patient?