Yak_Rodeo t1_iu5awpt wrote
Reply to comment by charons-voyage in My car got towed on Columbus Avenue in the South End this morning, presumably for street cleaning. I was parked for 45 minutes and there was no sign about street cleaning where I parked. I even paid for the parking on the Park Boston app, which did not warn me. Is there anything I can do? by kzy888
how? tow companies bid for the city contracts and its a transparent process.
Yak_Rodeo t1_iu4jueg wrote
Reply to comment by michael_scarn_21 in My car got towed on Columbus Avenue in the South End this morning, presumably for street cleaning. I was parked for 45 minutes and there was no sign about street cleaning where I parked. I even paid for the parking on the Park Boston app, which did not warn me. Is there anything I can do? by kzy888
the transportation department authorizes the tows and has to ticket the cars before tow companies can tow them for street sweeping. how are they parasites for doing a job the city asked them to do?
Yak_Rodeo t1_iu4jq1n wrote
Reply to comment by kzy888 in My car got towed on Columbus Avenue in the South End this morning, presumably for street cleaning. I was parked for 45 minutes and there was no sign about street cleaning where I parked. I even paid for the parking on the Park Boston app, which did not warn me. Is there anything I can do? by kzy888
oh yeah just looked it up on street view, real low chance of any appeal going through there man, sorry
Yak_Rodeo t1_iu4dq1y wrote
Reply to comment by kzy888 in My car got towed on Columbus Avenue in the South End this morning, presumably for street cleaning. I was parked for 45 minutes and there was no sign about street cleaning where I parked. I even paid for the parking on the Park Boston app, which did not warn me. Is there anything I can do? by kzy888
possibly, what park of columbus? youre sure theres no signs on the block?
Yak_Rodeo t1_iu4d1m9 wrote
Reply to My car got towed on Columbus Avenue in the South End this morning, presumably for street cleaning. I was parked for 45 minutes and there was no sign about street cleaning where I parked. I even paid for the parking on the Park Boston app, which did not warn me. Is there anything I can do? by kzy888
nope, your responsibility to look for signs and park correctly. theres probably a sign further down the block
sucks but thats the way it goes
Yak_Rodeo t1_iu2par7 wrote
Reply to comment by UltimateZo in Boston Healthcare System Total Garbage? by UltimateZo
im not insinuating anything, i stated a fact. mass general is one of the best hospitals in the world and you expect to get a neurology appointment there in short order? its like asking why you cant get a friday reservation at carbone when applebees in des moines always has openings
also you realize the boston metro area is around 5 million people right? why compare san frans metro area to bostons city population?
Yak_Rodeo t1_iu2noi6 wrote
Reply to Boston Healthcare System Total Garbage? by UltimateZo
just to be clear youre asking why 3 of the most premier hospitals in the country are booking several months out?
Yak_Rodeo t1_iu1ro3p wrote
Reply to comment by free_to_muse in Visited Boston on Tuesday and had a blast. by u_rang
huh? some groups? people in southie were calling it the waterfront 30 years ago
Yak_Rodeo t1_iu1qhcz wrote
Reply to comment by TheBelgianDuck in [Image] Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn't settle for it. by sylsau
and “settling” is not a failure
a person who does an honest job and provides for their loved ones is not a failure and has not “settled” even if life dealt them a tough hand
Yak_Rodeo t1_iu04rnb wrote
Reply to comment by djohnstonb in ‘A 24-hour neighborhood’: Wu outlines plans to bring downtown Boston back to life - The Boston Globe by TouchDownBurrito
not everything has to be about drinking alcohol
Yak_Rodeo t1_itxhlaa wrote
Reply to comment by dpm25 in Why Is There Such Little Resistance to New Office Buildings, Life Science Labs, Etc.? by OperationSpringAwake
growth without also scaling up infrastructure and housing is not great for cities. see: boston
Yak_Rodeo t1_itxbudk wrote
Reply to comment by dpm25 in Why Is There Such Little Resistance to New Office Buildings, Life Science Labs, Etc.? by OperationSpringAwake
its not like boston has an insanely high unemployment rate
on some level, i kind of agree. what we really need is to increase wages for residents. luring new people to the area with high paying jobs helps residents…how?
Yak_Rodeo t1_itwp7pz wrote
Reply to comment by illvm in Lockdown at MFA Boston by mawiiissa
ive said it before and ill say it again, ill never understand why the city was criticized in this incident. these guys put up small led devices with batteries and wires on 93 and other bridges, told no one about it, and then knew about the response and still didnt alert authorities that it was just a marketing campaign
just because a cartoon character was on it doesnt mean it couldnt have been something sinister, cartoon network and their marketing team were 100% responsible
Yak_Rodeo t1_itweccc wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Lockdown at MFA Boston by mawiiissa
you dont think cops know that and arent going to put sensitive stuff on a scanner?
Yak_Rodeo t1_itwabuc wrote
actually pretty useful if someone lost their cat recently
Yak_Rodeo t1_itw7xba wrote
Reply to comment by quintus_horatius in Lockdown at MFA Boston by mawiiissa
i mean im sure the cops know whats going on, they just arent going to randomly tell students what they know
Yak_Rodeo t1_itvf6fc wrote
there has not been a better gaslighting marketing scheme than mcdonalds has put on with the mcrib
Yak_Rodeo t1_itrkkn2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Massdot is allegedly asking Unvaccinated workers to come back to work by WetLump
yeah its too bad people dont want to have a legitimate conversation on it, im fully vaxxed with a booster and encourage everyone to get it but the complete disregard for workers rights was always such a shaky decision
this place is super pro union but blasted the firefighters union for being anti mandate
Yak_Rodeo t1_itrfsvj wrote
vaccine mandates were well intentioned but an utter failure. new york is going to have to reinstate a bunch of people who were fired and back pay them from the date of firing, a huge pay day.
im far from an anti vaxer but the scientific evidence wasnt there to justify firing people
Yak_Rodeo t1_itf2fh2 wrote
Reply to comment by jamesland7 in Question about city terminology. by [deleted]
you can put whatever you want on a mailing address for anywhere, the post office doesnt care what you call the city. just the street address and zip
Yak_Rodeo t1_it5f99t wrote
quincy not diverse…?
also dorchester is not much more “city life” than quincy. in most other cities quincy would be a neighborhood of boston
Yak_Rodeo t1_it4oxmu wrote
Reply to comment by Ok-Huckleberry-876 in Boston Daily Discussion Thread, Thursday October 20 by AutoModerator
uphams is like 25 blocks, one neighborhood might have a lot of families and one might not at all
Yak_Rodeo t1_it4es60 wrote
Reply to comment by stinkbeast666 in Crossing guard disturbed by Halloween decoration at his post in Marblehead. by bluesmom913
its from the most popular “horror” series/media since halloween, how is it trashy?
Yak_Rodeo t1_it0hqhl wrote
Reply to comment by Fearless_Mine9185 in Anyone from here can comment on taking a Norwegian cruise to Bermuda for April school vacation? Thinking about a trip with our 6 year old. by Fearless_Mine9185
as long as you skip mass vacation week youll be fine, been on tons of cruises
Yak_Rodeo t1_iu687w1 wrote
Reply to comment by conradofs in Police confiscate loaded gun from 7-year-old at Dorchester school by rabblebowser
they literally found a gun in southie near a school today, its not unheard of