
Yelloeisok t1_iwppibn wrote

What is even crazier is how much we pay them for a part-time job. Everyone needs to ask their Representative how much they are being paid and ask why they won’t raise the minimum wage - is it because they own/run companies that pay minimum wage, so they would only be hurting themselves?


Yelloeisok t1_iwlbns8 wrote

Reply to comment by pittbiomed in upmc by Safe-Pop2076

I am afraid we have all become immune to obscene CEO pay since it touches every industry, and because we think it has always been that way - and it hasn’t. CEO pay has exploded 1322% from 1978 to 2020 according to


Yelloeisok t1_iur2bix wrote

I live in John Joyce’s district and no one is running against him, so I am going to write in Conor Lamb. I know he doesn’t have a chance, but at least if there is a name written in (typed if voting in person on a machine) rather than leaving it blank, they will have to realize there are people out there who want change. Maybe the Democratic party and their money will go to these deep red districts next time.


Yelloeisok t1_iu6d6z5 wrote

If we do, it certainly is NOT enforced. I lived in Florida from 1981-2020 (with a 10 year stint in Tucson AZ for work). Moved to SW PA in 2020 and the vulgar shit I read on T-shirts, flags, signs and even the ‘Lets Go Brandon’ in places of business - along with a lot of businesses calling Gov TomWolf a nazi- is mind blowing.