
YggdrasilsLeaf t1_j8fvwut wrote

Did you know that most modern dog breeds don’t actually come from ancient wolf breeds? More so they come from a canine offshoot that’s closer to prehistoric hyenas than actual wolves?

Funny how that works, eh?


YggdrasilsLeaf t1_j7gew4s wrote

I’ve found it’s easier to keep asking them questions that inherently cause them to contradict themselves and challenge their current outlook.

Some people have to realize a thing on their own before they are capable of willingly accepting it.


YggdrasilsLeaf t1_j4w16h7 wrote

Seriously. Every other developer that this property has changed hands with since the early 80s has ended up doing the exact same thing. Which is letting the place fall further into disrepair and then selling to the next highest bidder.

I LOVED going to HarborPlace as a kid and it saddens me that it’s gotten the way it has, but like 90% of the problem with the place? Since its heyday? Lack of security in and around the entire property.

People stopped going when they started getting mugged and robbed on the regular. That in turn decreased foot traffic and eventually, over time, stores started shutting down because there wasn’t enough business and when the foot traffic further decreased, the stores and restaurants started getting robbed on the regular and that further decreased foot traffic and sales and we’ve been stuck with this mess ever since.

And EVERY DEVELOPER, every single one, has done the same thing. Tried to put new stores in, but barely any freaking security to keep costs down and it’s just History repeating over and over again.

IMPO They should turn one of the buildings into a youth/harbor community center. With free recreation/library/study areas, maybe a social services express office/job training type of deal, a visitors center for tourists, like a functioning community center.

Keep the other shopping and food. Maybe add a small local theater (not movie theater, like an actual small theater for plays or live music acts)

A girl can dream.

Whatever the case, I get why other commenters are saying “don’t jinx it” but honestly?

You’re just being realistic. I swear sometimes it’s like the place is cursed.


YggdrasilsLeaf t1_j2ff2mo wrote

While I’m sure this is normal for you and a non issue?

This is freaking me right the hell out. I can’t imagine not being able to pick the daily gunk out, I can’t imagine not being able to move my toes independently.

This doesn’t even count as webbing. Your toes are fused. And while yes, the fused toes are the best possible combination of fused toes, when it comes to functionality? I still can’t get a grasp on it or be less freaked out.

Not freaked out by you or your toes themselves. I’m freaked out by the thought of having fused toes and a permanent layer of itchy toe jelly that I can never reach or resolve.

Edit: on another completely unrelated note? You have really nicely formed feet…. Despite the uni-toe.


YggdrasilsLeaf t1_j2fcgvb wrote

Y’all joke, but in the US, you will get shot trying to steal someone’s lawn gnome/jockey. I’ve been trying to liberate the one in my dads yard for years now, but it’s like he just knows someone is on the lawn and he just shoots indiscriminately.

Honestly I’m surprised I haven’t been hit yet. The man is basically blind and the lawn jockey is right next to the front door. He holds a little lantern to light the path. I don’t let my Dad know its me on his lawn. Because then I’d have to explain why I was sneaking around in the bushes near the front door next to said lawn jockey.

Easier to just run off. Pretend like I was never there when he calls me the next day to tell me about the punks constantly trying to vandalize his property……

Don’t judge me. He wasn’t perfect either.


YggdrasilsLeaf t1_j1rod4u wrote

Literal therapy.

You should not feel guilty for enjoying your scheduled time off. You should not feel guilty about calling out when you are sick. You should not feel guilty about calling out pretending to be sick because you need a personal day you don’t want to explain. You should not feel guilty about taking a Personal day off when you want to.

Work is a thing we do so we can live life. Work is not life itself. Work is a thing we do to pay our bills so we can do the things we actually want to do in life. If you should feel guilty about anything? You should feel guilty about missing out on your own life because you were too busy worrying about your boss and work.

Work is not life. Your boss does not own your time. You can say no.

Work is a thing we do so we can afford to live our actual lives. There are no hints or tricks. You should not feel guilty about not going to work. Especially during your scheduled time off.


YggdrasilsLeaf t1_ixvmf96 wrote

I’m honestly amazed you didn’t consider this before the fact. I’ve been doing this since I was a kid in the 80s and I legit thought it’s just a thing everyone does.

Not even relegated to just significant others. Like plans were put into place with friends and back up friends when I was a kid. Our goal at that age was to get out of the family event as quickly as possible so we could all meet up after the fact, for our own “celebration”.

These days though, at my age, I don’t even try to play around anymore. I just tell people no when I don’t feel like doing a thing. If they keep talking to me after the fact? COOL. If they stop talking to me after I say no?

Well they clearly weren’t interested in an actual friendship to begin with, so no skin of my back.

As for escape plans? You’re absolutely right and they should be established ahead of time. That being said, I can plan for weeks and remind my husband daily “if I say this, it’s time to go” and it doesn’t matter.

He gets so caught up in whatever that by the time I say our escape phrase? He’s already forgotten it and will then hit me with a barrage of questions right in front of the people I’m trying to get us away from.

As a result, over the decades, I’ve learned that’s it’s just easier and more socially acceptable to turn down invites when you get them, instead of trying to be polite about it and ending up in a situation that you never wanted to be in; in the first place.


YggdrasilsLeaf t1_iub26dd wrote

Movies are meant to be entertainment. If you’re seeing polarized political views in a plot that centers around absolute fantasy? In a world that couldn’t possibly exist?

You’re projecting.

Edit: and for the record? The Lord of The Rings trilogy? Not bad. Not as good as the books, but also not bad. I prefer the directors cut of all three.

I also like all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, but I’m biased in that regard.