Yo_Wats_Good t1_j9u5un7 wrote
Reply to comment by animebuttholesniffer in I want to get into the Hitman series and Assassin's Creed series. Where should I start? by Shockday28
L take.
The lore is the best part. Ancient civilization who predicted the future to send a message to modern day via a message to a distant predecessor, with ancient societies battling over the relics they left behind and are behind some of the most momentous moments in history is cool.
Ya'll can cry about modern day segments but Unity and Syndicate are on nobodies top lists and they cut out the modern day stuff.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_j6oxgqo wrote
Warzone 2's DMZ mode
It has made me wonder how a smaller playercount would affect a Warzone match. I wouldn't mind a slow, more drawn out WZ mode with less people. WZ2 can get pretty hectic/wild consistently and/or constantly.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_j6kx20e wrote
Reply to comment by johnnyramboii2 in Please please please play Hi-Fi rush by johnnyramboii2
Who is downvoting OP?
He's right, you don't have to hit everything to the beat. You get bonus damage if you do otherwise it's automatically synced to the beat regardless of when you put in the input.
There are some dodge/insta-kill segments that are literally like a Pa Rapa rhythm section but I believe there are things in the accessibility section to give you a bigger window and only do one button if you can't hold a beat.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_j2fppsi wrote
Oh boy, still in that closet, huh?
Yo_Wats_Good t1_j2ffikp wrote
Reply to comment by CatHoodHero in why does Xbox suck at good exclusive games like PS? by [deleted]
Arkane writing is great imo, I loved Deathloops dialogue and it was quite funny.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_j2fdtnv wrote
Reply to Finished Resident Evil Village. A Survival Horror Action game with more Action then Horror. 8/10 by Pixel_Muffet
Yeah it started out pretty scary and tense but turned into 100% action.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_j2f7rhb wrote
Reply to What game is better than the Witcher 3? by [deleted]
I feel like Dragon Age Inquisition is fairly similar, with some more RPGness in storylines and I recall having more fun with the combat but its been a minute.
Its open-world light, has some big zones but isn't completely open like W3.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_j2f6aa6 wrote
I went through the list and tbh I didn't see any that weren't worth playing.
Do you know which games got 10s? I don't think you do, given
>The majority of games are just wandering through (albeit beautiful scenery) shooting differently skinned, uninteresting AI in between cutscenes of a predictable storyline.
is not even remotely accurate.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_j2b0yki wrote
Reply to comment by AtrumX in Lets all have a moment of silence for the legendary age of gaming which unfortunately has neared the end of its lifespan, nothing will be the same as how it was 5-10 years ago. by Apollyonlives
There were also a billion fps games trying to become the next Halo Killer and a vast majority were pretty middling at best.
I guess sorta like with BR and now Extraction shooters.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_j23t6uc wrote
Reply to comment by ikantolol in Any good RPG FPS games out there? by ThornWarrior
You listed all the games I was going to list, so I second this.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_j22az6v wrote
Reply to comment by AnyGamers99 in Why do people praise Bioshock Infinite's story so much? by AnyGamers99
I donno if it was shock value, its been a while since I've played it but the real failing was making the revolutionaries "as evil" as their oppressors by kind of forcing it. My second playthrough it kinda came out of nowhere and felt shoehorned in to fit the message.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_iyehq3m wrote
Call of Duty and Sea of Thieves...
I mean, I'd play it once.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_iyapjt4 wrote
Reply to Anyone tired of all the battle passes now? by [deleted]
Nope not at all. Whats there to be tired of? You can opt in and its in the background.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_iuifi1v wrote
Reply to comment by Beaversneverdie in what's the nickelback of gaming? by GrimDoink
Apparently not, had to google it. They also have one in the works now it seems.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_iui744n wrote
Reply to comment by GalacticDystopia in what's the nickelback of gaming? by GrimDoink
>The same rehashed, mass-market appeal drivel year after year, but it still sells millions
I don't think Nickelback released as many albums as you think to warrant "year-after-year" and they haven't sold millions in like over a decade.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_iui5o5h wrote
Reply to comment by Wild_Bill_Kickcock in what's the nickelback of gaming? by GrimDoink
CoD feels more like the Drake of gaming.
Was quite good but sort of hit a sag but nevertheless does big numbers every time theres a new release. Occasionally surprising you with some heat to make you remember why you like them.
Yo_Wats_Good t1_j9ub407 wrote
Reply to comment by animebuttholesniffer in I want to get into the Hitman series and Assassin's Creed series. Where should I start? by Shockday28