YorgiTheMagnificent t1_j66sx24 wrote
Reply to Best Wing Quest - Update 9 by wcmotel
I'd really love to know how Ribaldi's stacks up.
YorgiTheMagnificent t1_j53v3t5 wrote
Reply to Free the nipple: Facebook and Instagram told to overhaul ban on bare breasts by wewhomustnotbenamed
Yea this is going to be soooo wonderful... I'm just saying, if you can't immediately think of one gross family member who will be posting daily titty pics, guess what, you're him.
YorgiTheMagnificent OP t1_j3vsxzl wrote
Reply to comment by S-Kunst in A murder in Baltimore by YorgiTheMagnificent
This is just a small portion of the entire flock. When I come home in the evenings and they're still flying around it looks like a Hitchcock movie. It sounds like rain when they're pooping en mass. I'm just impressed they can withstand the winter, never thought about whether or not crows are migratory.
YorgiTheMagnificent t1_iu3vhp4 wrote
Reply to comment by Mustaflex in ‘Clarkson’s Farm’ Season 3 Greenlit by Prime Video, Already in Production by MarvelsGrantMan136
You'll get to seeim on da mazen tell you what donder dem dats forgotten sluberdomben oer there right there, right?
YorgiTheMagnificent t1_iu3uiuy wrote
Reply to blueberries on a palm of a 5 year old by ipaintandgrow
Remember dial-up Internet? Oh yea, I 'member! Remember juice from concentrate? Oh yea! I 'member!! Remember when police were targeting black people with stop and frisk? Oh yea, I 'member....
YorgiTheMagnificent t1_isg6mts wrote
Is all tech entrepreneurship based on creating a middleman where none is needed? Just call it "disrupting" and laugh all the way to the bank...
YorgiTheMagnificent t1_j92ce93 wrote
Reply to Mayor Adams opts to personally serve on MTA board overseeing $55 billion plan by Topher1999
He's got great ideas on how to spend that $52 billion.