YourFatherUnfiltered t1_iwykxku wrote
apparently, no. Everything in the universe is expanding in all directions.
> And if there is, wouldn't this galaxy in a way be more the center of the universe than ours?
I think this is kind of at the heart of the first tier of theoretical multiverses. as the universe expands clumps of galaxies will spread so far from one another that they each will exist within their own observable universe bubble.
YourFatherUnfiltered t1_iwpqvhv wrote
Reply to Dark matter may be information itself by newsphilosophy
Im going with it doesn't exist at all and our model just needs to be fixed.
YourFatherUnfiltered t1_iwl3r3w wrote
Reply to comment by s1ngular1ty2 in An unsuccessful search for aliens: Is the end of humanity inevitable? by That_Teach_9224
Click bait articles will be click bait.
YourFatherUnfiltered t1_is526gu wrote
Reply to Now that commercial space flight is in the works, if you had the money, would you go? by Ariolet
Absolutely. Id love to drop some LSD and look down upon earth for a few hours.
YourFatherUnfiltered t1_irmu4y6 wrote
Reply to The Problem with USB-C by DankBiscuitsNGravy
Let me guess, mac fan boy whining again?
YourFatherUnfiltered t1_ir0i2gu wrote
if our species never get off this planet, we will eventually die off. The ultimate goal is for the human species to live beyond a planets life time and to be a space faring civilization not bound to a single planet. And eventually a truly interstellar civilization.
YourFatherUnfiltered t1_iyb7xyc wrote
Reply to Can someone explain time dilation? by Belligerent_Christ
I'm not sure we actually know the 'why'. We just can see and prove that it does.