
Yourbubblestink t1_j89djmv wrote

Reply to comment by baxterstate in Dogs in grocery stores. by Norgyort

Yes those people should have human workers with them teaching them how to function in our society. The emotional support animal movement is bullshit that only exists because of the good grace of others.

I don’t want your dog in the store unless you are blind or deaf. If you are just scared or nervous, find a treatment that doesn’t involve me.


Yourbubblestink t1_j89c53q wrote

Just about everyone has a dog. Most of us can make it through a grocery shopping trip without ours.

If we all brought our dogs to the grocery store the place would be like a kennel. So leave you dog at home,like everyone else. If you are too scared to shop without a dog then get a psychiatrist.

No one loves your dog like you do. The rest of us have our own at home, we don’t care about yours.