Yourbubblestink t1_j9mvg8w wrote
Reply to question regarding engine noise. by Machined42
Call the Jon emergency number at the police department, but let hotel know first so they have a chance to deal with it
Yourbubblestink t1_j9mv9du wrote
Reply to Madawaska or Fort Kent accommodations by [deleted]
Board the pets?
Yourbubblestink t1_j9lp7vo wrote
Katahdin woods and waters
Yourbubblestink t1_j9hi12a wrote
Reply to comment by arclight222 in What happened to the Bangor Bull Moose? Seems like it’s really falling apart. by McGillicuddysGhost
I mean the truth is there very slim profit margins in print books and used movies and games in modern times. After your pay the staff, the light bills and buy new inventory. There’s not much money left.
Yourbubblestink t1_j9axt7d wrote
Reply to comment by 6byfour in What’s killing high school athletics? I think it’s AAU. by Parrothead1970
I didn’t realize until I was a parent myself, how much other adults make having children about them selves instead of about their children. It’s really gross.
Yourbubblestink t1_j9aofao wrote
Reply to comment by 6byfour in What’s killing high school athletics? I think it’s AAU. by Parrothead1970
The fathers were the loudest yellers. Sometimes they were too many of them in the dugout with the children, and the ump had to order some out. Others got into arguments over balls and strikes. I once watched the father at a Little League game meltdown because the bat one of the children was using was 2 ounces too heavy for regulation.
Yourbubblestink t1_j98wr13 wrote
Reply to comment by 207Outreach in What’s killing high school athletics? I think it’s AAU. by Parrothead1970
I assume you mean grown,
Yourbubblestink t1_j98c3p7 wrote
The thing that ruined high school athletics, it is the parents. I saw it start to happen when my kids were entering little league.
Somehow the fathers made that all about them.
Yourbubblestink t1_j9873sy wrote
Reply to comment by lobstah in What’s up with Bangor? by EmeraldMoose12
You would spend more time going through TSA, boarding, waiting for your luggage than you would driving.
Yourbubblestink t1_j9868so wrote
Reply to comment by doeslizknit in What’s up with Bangor? by EmeraldMoose12
Wicked brew is definitely a great coffee hangout! Good food too
Yourbubblestink t1_j975asm wrote
Reply to [OC] Gendered Movie Favorites: The favorite movies of Letterboxd users broken down by the pronouns they selected for their account by throwbarrieaway
How come he and xe have so many in common but nobody else?
Yourbubblestink t1_j95xnv7 wrote
Reply to comment by Tobias_Atwood in Over 25 GW of solar is actively being constructed in the U.S. by CurseMeKilt
Hey, that’s cool. I don’t really get your rage/emotion, but whatever. I would really encourage you to go see one in real life sometime.
Yourbubblestink t1_j95sijh wrote
Reply to comment by Tobias_Atwood in Over 25 GW of solar is actively being constructed in the U.S. by CurseMeKilt
Not on top of the mountains. I get the energy lol behind the wind and solar movements, but I really don’t think we’ve spent enough time talking about the environmental impact. They are really ugly. Really ugly.
Yourbubblestink t1_j95rpd3 wrote
Reply to comment by Tobias_Atwood in Over 25 GW of solar is actively being constructed in the U.S. by CurseMeKilt
Also the windmills. Wow. Nobody mentioned that those involve clear cutting mountain tops
Yourbubblestink t1_j95klsk wrote
Yourbubblestink t1_j95i8m7 wrote
Reply to comment by Tobias_Atwood in Over 25 GW of solar is actively being constructed in the U.S. by CurseMeKilt
Yes they are hideous and industrial - destroying the landscape,
Yourbubblestink t1_j95gd02 wrote
Reply to comment by Tobias_Atwood in Over 25 GW of solar is actively being constructed in the U.S. by CurseMeKilt
Clearly you haven’t driven by any
Yourbubblestink t1_j92x32k wrote
Reply to comment by sault18 in Over 25 GW of solar is actively being constructed in the U.S. by CurseMeKilt
My only agenda is that I’ve driven by a few and been surprised by the industrial scale and ugliness of it. More will come as land is cheap and people are underemployed here
Yourbubblestink t1_j92vwew wrote
Yourbubblestink t1_j92vl11 wrote
Reply to comment by sault18 in Over 25 GW of solar is actively being constructed in the U.S. by CurseMeKilt
Drive by a couple and check in with yourself after see if you feel the same way? - a Google Searches don’t really do it Justice - so ugly and unnatural. Maine getting covered with them because land is relatively cheap
Yourbubblestink t1_j92sz4z wrote
Reply to comment by sault18 in Over 25 GW of solar is actively being constructed in the U.S. by CurseMeKilt
There’s farmland in Troy that went from rolling pasture to industrial Park. Cianbro wiped out a farm and put up a huge facility on route two halfway between Newport and Skowhegan. There’s also a ton about it in the media
Yourbubblestink t1_j92k0yi wrote
Reply to 1870s Photo of State Street, Ellsworth, Maine by pjmpjm7
Little is changed. It offers the same level of excitement and opportunity today as it appeared to then lol.
Yourbubblestink t1_j92jy0r wrote
Reply to Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $19 Million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding to Address Emerging Contaminants like PFAS in Drinking Water in Maine | US EPA by Shake-Spear4666
Meanwhile, Maine continues to sell ground water, and a completely unregulated rate to Nestlé.
Yourbubblestink t1_j91ckyq wrote
Somebody’s buying up cheap land in Maine, cutting down the woods, and putting up solar panel farms. I think they’re absolutely awful. They seem to be complete eyesores, and I’m really questioning their value given the amount of natural destruction.
Yourbubblestink t1_j9mwkkt wrote
Reply to USS Connecticut conducting speed trials off the cost of Mount Desert Island after completion in 1907. Cadillac mountain is visible in the background. by megamoose4
Jaysus look at the soot and filth billowing out of that thing