Youvebeeneloned t1_j4s2wv3 wrote
Reply to comment by Whatmeworry4 in The Mac Pro is now Apple’s last machine with an Intel chip by pecika
Youvebeeneloned t1_j4rrwgx wrote
Reply to comment by urgjotonlkec in Microsoft to cut thousands of jobs - Sky News by Familiar-Turtle
Its more the media is making it all up to make it seem like its a thing.
All these companies cutting jobs have hundreds of thousands of employees. Its literally like 2-3% attrition rates which is well below national average and typical this time of year because this is when any companies whose fiscal years match the calendar year are giving out performance reviews.
Likewise the "large" numbers of tech jobs cut are not being reflected in monthly unemployment numbers which not only continue to be low, but actually are getting lower as of last month... and these are not the type of employees who run out and get Christmas jobs at the mall here...
The only outliers is Twitter because of Musks fuckery... and Salesforce because their CEO fucked up royally with hiring over COVID. Outside of that I would not bat an eye at even 5-6k job loss in the tech industry... since thats only slightly higher than the normal yearly 2-3k.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j4rqgh9 wrote
Reply to comment by hexoicmusic in The Mac Pro is now Apple’s last machine with an Intel chip by pecika
Eventually but not any time soon. Maybe in a year or two... but at the same time M chip based MacOS is ARM... and I would not be shocked if someone figured out a way to make other manufactures ARM based architecture run MacOS not unlike how people figured out how to get OS X to continue working on x86 chips long after apple moved to x64 and removed any of the instruction set to allow it to work.
honestly though probably not much of a market to it other than for some hardware/software hackers to say they could and put it on their resume.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j4rpbwg wrote
Reply to comment by Shavethatmonkey in The Mac Pro is now Apple’s last machine with an Intel chip by pecika
This is literally the only reason they are still Intel on the pro... way too much pro level apps that require the Intel chip and are not compiled for ARM.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j4r3oit wrote
Reply to comment by MiguelDeYisus in Apple introduces new Mac mini with M2 and M2 Pro — more powerful, capable, and versatile than ever by TbonerT
because they can with M chip. The ARM chips are significantly more efficient with memory over Intel chips. Its still stupid, but you would be surprised at how fictional 8 gigs is with a M1 vs 8 gigs with a intel chip.
To be fair with it though, even base model laptops from Dell and HP are still rolling with 8 gigs or even less.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j4r3dhw wrote
Reply to comment by 2001zhaozhao in Apple introduces new Mac mini with M2 and M2 Pro — more powerful, capable, and versatile than ever by TbonerT
Not likely... Maybe i5 or i7 but certainly not a i9, and certainly not in that form factor.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j46h9u5 wrote
Reply to comment by DoomBot5 in Apple might finally make a touchscreen Mac by No-Drawing-6975
They are literally on 3% of all laptops sold... try to use facts teenager.
At one time they were 10% of all laptops sold, LAST DECADE. They have not experienced that high since 2013 because like 3D displays they are a freaking fad.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j436o7x wrote
Reply to comment by teddytwelvetoes in Apple might finally make a touchscreen Mac by No-Drawing-6975
Touchscreens have not died because they keep trying to force it down as a high end thing.
But the fact that they are on a VERY slim fraction of computers sold tells you its a niche product with no traction.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j436eq8 wrote
Reply to comment by kurttheflirt in Apple might finally make a touchscreen Mac by No-Drawing-6975
Not only do I believe it, the market bears it out in the fact they still, to this day, have never taken off.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j42laa6 wrote
I highly doubt it. They have tested it internally as far back as the original iBook... but reality is touchscreen computers SUCK. The last thing I want to do is leave my fingerprints all over a screen or keep clicking on things in a awkward hand angle. Its why the market for them is nearly non-existant.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j3zafsf wrote
Reply to comment by arun_adk2121 in Informatica to lay off 7% of its workforce to cut costs by diacewrb
Not even remotely accurate. During the 2007 recession the tech market was largely untouched and actually hiring workers. It was the financial, auto, and housing markets hardest hit.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j3wbqke wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Meta Abandons Original Quest VR Headset from 2019 - The company will stop providing feature updates and security fixes by 2024. by speckz
Literally the only reason I am even looking at VR is for flight sims, where I would want to block out my surroundings. Outside of that none of the actual VR games interest me.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j15ojzn wrote
Reply to comment by thedoommerchant in Tech layoffs surpass Great Recession levels, set to get worse in early 2023 by EagleEyes_009
Same, in the last year I have had 3 raises and a promotion.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j15gwhs wrote
I always find it ironic how people bitch and moan about how hard it is to repair Apple products... yet they probably never touched any of the models we USED to repair in the 90's or early 2000's.
70+ screws in a iBook G4 anyone?
Hell even my iPhone 6s was easier to replace the lightning port than the iPhone 3s screen.
Apples come a long way on making things repairable. Its just you are not buying these parts at your local electronics store which is the complaint... but honestly based on the quality of many of those old 3s screens from China I WOULDNT WANT TO EITHER... they were absolutely trash and to get a Apple equivalent you were maybe saving 10-20 bucks at most.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j0z97nk wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Tech layoffs surpass Great Recession levels, set to get worse in early 2023 by EagleEyes_009
Its also because the layoffs during the recession hit the banking, auto, and housing industry the hardest and NOT the tech industry.
Hell I actually got a job during the recession and a 45% raise to boot, and we were still hiring for positions well after I joined for the next year or two before hiring slowed a bit.
Not to mention currently we STILL have not seen actual recession style layoffs in the tech industry... Meta, Google and others shed some extra weight... some of which was NOT tech related but tech adjacent being lumped in. Twitter legitimately doesn't count in this scenario because Twitters clusterfuck is not industry related but Musk related.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j0z8pfe wrote
Reply to comment by Mustard_on_tap in Tech layoffs surpass Great Recession levels, set to get worse in early 2023 by EagleEyes_009
Of course it is, layoffs always are. But headlines like this are meant to scare EVERYONE into thinking its going to happen to them and fuck with the economy.
Its economic manipulation of the highest order with no evidence behind it.
Youvebeeneloned t1_j0y4i80 wrote
Reply to Tech layoffs surpass Great Recession levels, set to get worse in early 2023 by EagleEyes_009
Scary headline is scary. The Great Recession barely touched the tech sector. A wet fart would result in more layoffs which is what it’s trying to portray.
Yeah there have been some at big companies, but companies like mine STILL can’t get people into positions in development, security, and sys admin spots.
Youvebeeneloned t1_iy9u6q7 wrote
Reply to comment by _kw in Security researcher says Eufy/Anker has a big security problem by Rkeriem
Wyze is quite a bit different, as you dont even have to use the cloud for them. Even their security system has the ability to use SD cards for storage of video and events though you lose the whole offsite backup aspect and now with the new intruder protection aspect, you lose the ability for them to flag intruders even before they access your house.
They have had 3 CVEs that I know of recently, and all have been patched as they patch their firmware SUPER quick (almost too quick, i have had firmware patches hit days after I applied one). So they seem to take the whole security aspect somewhat seriously and are willing to patch constantly and continue to update firmware even on older products.
That said I purposely am not using their inside cameras and only their outdoor ones. I dont honestly care what people see of me outside the house because its nothing my neighbors dont already see anyway, I DO care if people see what is going on with my kids and my family inside the house though.
Youvebeeneloned t1_ixfq6qy wrote
Reply to Broadcom's proposed $61B VMware acquisition scrutinized by UK regulators by Familiar-Turtle
That deals why we are dropping VMWares Carbon Black. I know people who used Symantec after they were acquired and it was a unmitigated disaster.
Youvebeeneloned t1_ixei9nv wrote
Reply to comment by AntifaDoesntExist in Elon Musk says Twitter is done with layoffs and ready to hire again by matali
absolutely agree.
Youvebeeneloned t1_ixd0fcz wrote
Reply to comment by Minute-Flan13 in Elon Musk says Twitter is done with layoffs and ready to hire again by matali
It wont survive this. Anyone who is capable is capable elsewhere without Musks drama.
Youvebeeneloned t1_ixd086q wrote
Reply to comment by TheUsher in Elon Musk says Twitter is done with layoffs and ready to hire again by matali
The tech bros who want the prestige of working with Musk and dont get that its an albatross now depending on the years you worked there will.
Those who have visas will be forced to.
Those who did not overextend themselves and are happy taking a lower 6 fig tech job like I have, which may not be prestigious but still pays the bills would steer FAR clear of them.
Youvebeeneloned t1_iwvpi7c wrote
Reply to Facebook Pulls Its New ‘AI For Science’ Because It’s Broken and Terrible | The demo of Galactica generated fake research and filtered out searches for ‘racism’ and ‘AIDS.’ by chrisdh79
Why ANYONE would think Facebook/META would be the company to do something like this properly vs non-profit science and research groups whose entire job it is to do this PROPERLY.
The sheer arrogance of the Tech Bros on full display thinking they read the cliff notes of Stephen Hawking's History of Time and they know enough to create something like this
Youvebeeneloned t1_j4st0jy wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Apple introduces new Mac mini with M2 and M2 Pro — more powerful, capable, and versatile than ever by TbonerT
Bingo the OS is designed to utilize any available ram, and that availability drops depending on what other apps you have running in the background. It also knows to suspend apps that are not using any memory so it can’t pull from the pool.