
Zahille7 t1_j6c9f6i wrote

I'm sure it was (I first moved here when I was a kid in 2005), but one thing I've noticed since I've been able to grow up in (basically what I consider) two places at once, is that a lot of people here still tend to think the world or even the city itself is the same as it was 20 years ago.

The city has expanded and grown quite a bit since then. We need to start spreading out, or spreading up. We also need more crosswalks and bike lanes. The lack of crosswalks and other pedestrian access is absolutely infuriating to me. Glenstone literally only has like 5 crosswalks going across it, throughout the entire length of the road through town.


Zahille7 t1_j6c8x2y wrote

English Village. Was forced to move out because our upstairs neighbor broke their water pipe and flooded our place. My bedroom wasn't properly insulated, so I could feel the cold through the walls and window, as well as feel them "sweat" with condensation (my bedroom window would actually have water forming on the inside, and I found mold growing around the windowsill/frame a couple different times because of this). My main closet had mold growing on the back exterior wall.

Not to mention the weird-ass bathroom design of having the toilet and tiny shower in one closet-sized booth, then having the sink and counter with the vanity outside of that, in the bedroom proper with carpet running in front of it. Thank God there was no carpet by the shower or toilet, cause that would have extra gross.


Zahille7 t1_j2c9he5 wrote

Reply to comment by GSPilot in Why so many cops? by knockoffpatrick

The dipshits in this town who don't use their turn signals infuriate me to no end.

It's like, how the fuck would you like it if you're just cruising along on the highway and some asshole merged in front of you without using their signal? You'd be pretty upset if you had to suddenly hit your brakes and swerve a bit just because someone couldn't do the bare minimum of paying attention while they drive - you know, the only job you have when you drive.


Zahille7 t1_ixoctk9 wrote

Reply to comment by EpicMemorableName in Never by Stonkatron69

I live in the building right next to that one. The building I live in was just renovated this summer so everything is still pretty new, like quiet close cabinets and fresh new wiring and such.

I live on the opposite side of the building from that other one, though, and I face Cherry, because some of the houses back behind seem a little shady.


Zahille7 t1_ixoc5xt wrote

Reply to comment by socialistpizzaparty in Never by Stonkatron69

Those are the same people who like to complain about how Springfield is just like the big city nowadays.

Lol, no, Melissa, you have absolutely no fucking clue what the big city is like. Bumper-to-bumper traffic, at least half the day that you have to plan your day around, as well as many many more homeless people and actual camps, a pretty high crime rate, noise, pollution, etc.... These people have no clue.