
Zenith2017 t1_j6krniv wrote

(my MIL owns a daycare small business)

The insurance $$$$, the pay for experienced staff so you can scale up a little, licensing of all sorts, not to mention plenty of food, diapers, toys, equipment, spaces, education content, you name it. There's of course a ton that goes into the full scope of managing a brick and mortar business, and the daycare is no exception. It's a whole operation, y'know?

There are home daycares too which seems fine to a relative outsider. That's what she did before; but scaling up to have like 10 skilled employees and a few different classes across an age range was key for growth.


Zenith2017 t1_j6jgzln wrote

Okay, I'm going off the thread here. Tako had excellent delicious tacos, maybe a little pricy but worth it

But their margaritas are out of a machine no actually mixed. So gross. I would expect that out of a $4 margarita well spot for undergrads, not a spot with a full bar and elevated street food


Zenith2017 t1_j6jcos6 wrote

Given the cost of childcare it's certainly an easy choice for many low income parents. It costs tens of thousands per kid per year - frequently more than these people even take home for that years work.

At the end of the day, you and I will pay for these kids, it's just a choice of upstream by subsidizing childcare, or downstream by subsidizing all the issues resulting from absent parents and inadequate support. It's literally cheaper to support daycare than not, similar to how preventative healthcare is cheaper than responsive healthcare.

Edit - and if you're expecting people to stop having kids, that's just completely unrealistic


Zenith2017 t1_j5zvt3x wrote

I'm in squirrel hill now and it's been a very minor disruption to my life if any. That's not in any way justifying the atrocious and evil behaviors taking place.

Depending on your work and income some other similar neighborhoods are Shady side, point breeze, parts of east liberty (quickly becoming an attractive spot). All of these have $$$ as a caveat