ZephyrInfernum t1_j6ov26f wrote
Reply to comment by Anxious_Nights1 in Anyone know whats going on with the Trapezium in Church Hill? by Zpunks100
Enjoy, I guess? I'm sure I'll partake once it's here but I'm no big fan of theirs to begin with and they seem to be taking their sweet time with it.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j6n266l wrote
Reply to comment by Pjtruslow in PSA: Increasing costs for Xfinity cable and internet by BlueXTC
That's not what we're talking about. Rather, the practice of these companies to raise the rates just a little so that people just kind of accept it rather than dispute it. Multiply that by thousands or millions of subscribers, and you're inflating your profit quite nicely.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j6n1lwq wrote
Reply to comment by masonbrit in Anyone know whats going on with the Trapezium in Church Hill? by Zpunks100
I was just telling my partner if I could open a restaurant on the hill it would be ramen... Great minds think alike or something. I know where I'll be going on rainy days.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j6myz1o wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Anyone know whats going on with the Trapezium in Church Hill? by Zpunks100
Wait... Ramen spot?
For anyone else reading this, their description of the block party isn't hyperbole. That's exactly what it was. Maybe less tables.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j6msdbd wrote
Reply to comment by Miss_Marna in Anyone know whats going on with the Trapezium in Church Hill? by Zpunks100
Idk if it's taxes, but my guess would be funding has run out or slowed. They've tried to host one or two "block parties" that were pretty unimpressive. I don't think the locals on the hill care about trapezium that much.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j6ms63w wrote
Reply to comment by jhorsfall in Anyone know whats going on with the Trapezium in Church Hill? by Zpunks100
Definitely hadn't heard that.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j6j9bi1 wrote
Reply to comment by yellowspaces in PSA: Increasing costs for Xfinity cable and internet by BlueXTC
Good. I'm down for socialism.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j6j97u6 wrote
Reply to comment by Chance-Ad4773 in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
At least you're honest about it. Don't feel too bad.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j6ivi0y wrote
Reply to comment by Slippy_T_Frog in PSA: Increasing costs for Xfinity cable and internet by BlueXTC
Yup. I read a piece on this somewhat recently. It's not just Xfinity. It's pretty much any cable/internet provider. They really need to make internet a public utility.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j6iuwb4 wrote
Reply to comment by Chance-Ad4773 in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
Yes, I have argued for more cops to actually walk a beat. What they currently do is not what I would call patrolling. What's your point?
As they currently are, they're useless.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j6djxou wrote
Reply to comment by fractalflatulence in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
You say that to me as if I've ever argued for that that. I haven't. It's a nice strawman, though.
Do you know what I am in favor of for our city? Cops back on actual beats. They're being paid by our taxes to do a job. Arguably, right now they aren't doing that job. Traffic offenses left and right, pedestrians getting hit, a pervert creeper going around shouting he's the one doing it but police can't seem to apprehend, muggings in places that were previously safe...
Police, as they currently are by their design, are worthless. Cops sitting in cars at the back of lots waiting for calls (when the crime has already happened) do nothing to prevent crime by way of presence.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j6dibji wrote
Reply to comment by militantrubberducky in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
The rest of the citizens aren't police paid to "protect" or "serve". They have no constitutional duty to actually do their jobs so why have them at all.
Police do not prevent crime.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j6cqrkq wrote
Reply to comment by GingerBawls in Just a heads up by that-fn-guy
Idk why you're downvoted. Cops are worthless. They show up after the fact. They're a clean up crew for crime
ZephyrInfernum t1_j60ddyv wrote
Reply to comment by CptJaxxParrow in Richmond saw notable drop in murders last year, but thefts from vehicles caused property crimes to soar by ThatChildNextDoor
Absolutely agree. That's the problem with "responsible" gun owners, a lot aren't actually as responsible as they think they are; they "grew up with guns" or sat through a hunting certification course without actually retaining anything.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j604t8y wrote
Reply to comment by MLM1414 in Richmond saw notable drop in murders last year, but thefts from vehicles caused property crimes to soar by ThatChildNextDoor
Even if it's at home in your garage, a gun left in a vehicle is asking for problems. A gun should be like eyeglasses; they're either on your person or secured in their case (I know, people aren't this careful with glasses either, but they should)
ZephyrInfernum t1_j5otc72 wrote
Reply to comment by Arcangelathanos in Happy Tuesdaily from the platform of Main Street Station. What’s the best spot to see the sunrise? by funkipus
I visit various boonies throughout the state, and it hasn't been an issue. For the savings you can potentially get, it's worth a shot.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j5oojuz wrote
Reply to comment by Arcangelathanos in Happy Tuesdaily from the platform of Main Street Station. What’s the best spot to see the sunrise? by funkipus
We switched from Verizon to Google Fi two years ago and haven't looked back
ZephyrInfernum t1_j5oodfq wrote
Reply to comment by AndThenThereWasQueso in Happy Tuesdaily from the platform of Main Street Station. What’s the best spot to see the sunrise? by funkipus
That's just cheesy
ZephyrInfernum t1_j4o0gr7 wrote
Reply to comment by kubigjay in Shyndigz on W Cary not paying out tips. by itzaxumzn
Oh that's just my life. Even when I'm right, somehow I'm wrong.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j4nv52z wrote
Reply to comment by kubigjay in Shyndigz on W Cary not paying out tips. by itzaxumzn
I think we commented back at the same time. Thank you though.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j4nuktk wrote
Reply to comment by Last-Calligrapher293 in Shyndigz on W Cary not paying out tips. by itzaxumzn
Yea, I'm a BOH veteran but know tipping rules just the same. I added the federal legislation in another comment
ZephyrInfernum t1_j4nuf3f wrote
Reply to comment by Areola_Granola in Shyndigz on W Cary not paying out tips. by itzaxumzn
>In 2020 and 2021, the Department completed a series of rulemakings to update its regulations to protect tipped workers. These rulemakings addressed 2018 legislative amendments to section 3(m) and other sections of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) to expressly prohibit employers, including managers and supervisors, from keeping employees’ tips.
There's that for starters. And this:
>an employer cannot keep employees’ tips under any circumstances; managers and supervisors also may not keep tips received by employees, including through tip pools;
Do you have a source you'd like to cite for your bullshit?
ZephyrInfernum t1_j4nlv49 wrote
Reply to comment by Areola_Granola in Shyndigz on W Cary not paying out tips. by itzaxumzn
Wrong! A tip, no matter your base wage, is a transaction between the tipper and the individual receiving the tip.
ZephyrInfernum t1_j1z95yl wrote
Reply to comment by donniedarkhair in Good morning Daily by Jon_hamm_wallet
ZephyrInfernum t1_j7qdtxb wrote
Reply to comment by coalmines in Save Yummvees Wedsdaily! by njbrews
That's awful to hear. Typically, in these scenarios it's anyone's guess as to what the truth is. In this case though, it seems to be commonplace for this business to not plan ahead appropriately.