ZingZongZaddy t1_j5vejoc wrote
Reply to comment by yeyakattack in Rep. Clinton Collamore (D) indicted for signature fraud by yeyakattack
The only thing I'm trying (and succeeding) to do is call you out for blatant bullshittery. Portland's a helluva lot closer to Waldoboro than Bangor.
Maybe take a page from any book and learn some reading comprehension. Something like "Everybody poops" since you feel the need to expel diarrhea from your mouth.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j5vb3pi wrote
Reply to comment by yeyakattack in Rep. Clinton Collamore (D) indicted for signature fraud by yeyakattack
BINGO! I have conservative bingo!
You're trying to push a narrative that Republicans are held to higher levels of scrutiny, and you're trying to use a newspaper from a different part of the state not putting Waldoboro on its front page as an example of that double standard.
Maybe pull your head out of your ass every now and then.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j5vabl4 wrote
Reply to comment by iceflame1211 in MaineHousing releases 2023 housing outlook report by InterstellarDeathPur
I'm not going to get into the political semantics of the terminology, but it's simple matter of the metrics they're using not even beginning to crack the threshold of affordable. It's all a smoke and mirrors game to the people writing these reports.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j5v7z3y wrote
Reply to comment by yeyakattack in Rep. Clinton Collamore (D) indicted for signature fraud by yeyakattack
The fear mongering is you trying to pitch this as Democrats trying to sweep it under the rug, while the truth is even his own party is calling on him to resign or be ousted.
I don't need to be a bleeding heart liberal to point out the false equivalency and bad faith argument you're trying to push.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j5v637m wrote
Reply to comment by yeyakattack in Rep. Clinton Collamore (D) indicted for signature fraud by yeyakattack
I should hope I don't have to correct someone's fear mongering in that thread, but hey we'll see.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j5v5fa6 wrote
Reply to comment by yeyakattack in Rep. Clinton Collamore (D) indicted for signature fraud by yeyakattack
A shit bag is a shit bag no matter what political label you want to slap on it. Stop trying to make everything so goddamn divisive.
And it's not surprising that a Bangor publication doesn't put podunk Waldoboro on the front page. You're looking for a reason to be outraged.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j5v11i9 wrote
Stop calling it affordable housing, for one.
Fuck you, MaineHousing.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j5ppg05 wrote
Reply to Swimming in Songo River by mandpevents
why not ask the person you're looking to rent from?
ZingZongZaddy t1_j5fqs0o wrote
Reply to comment by respaaaaaj in How does rural Vermont, rural Maine, and rural New Hampshire compare? by [deleted]
And southern Maine.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j55u4mt wrote
Reply to What is going on with egg prices? by [deleted]
If you think 50 cents per egg is bad wait until you hear what people are paying for coffee.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j2firyp wrote
Reply to Poland spring water by KeithMaine
hey u/Maine-ModTeam is this on topic?
ZingZongZaddy t1_j2e7wme wrote
Reply to comment by CombinationSea6976 in Apparently Maine has an adequate supply of houses. by kubabooba
Predatory practices and turning a blind eye toward their contribution to the current problems, mainly.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j2e7c6d wrote
Reply to comment by CombinationSea6976 in Apparently Maine has an adequate supply of houses. by kubabooba
Rightfully deserved reputations right now.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j2dmgiz wrote
Reply to comment by srfyrk418 in The Portland area ranks 8th in the country for highest percentage of second homes by GaffersB
Never would have guessed you were a real estate bro
ZingZongZaddy t1_j2bda4b wrote
Reply to comment by PrestigiousMoose in Apparently Maine has an adequate supply of houses. by kubabooba
Overheard a realtor at a holiday party bragging about getting his clients 2mil over asking on a home. A HOME.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j2b6hin wrote
Reply to comment by BlackbeltJones in Best bottle shop in the area? Seeking higher-end bourbon and wine by BlackbeltJones
Man, this must be a constant problem for you to have a message ready to copy and paste whenever the situation arises.
Get over yourself.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j2b5kww wrote
Reply to comment by ptmtp26 in Will business ever return to normal operating procedures? by ptmtp26
So your complaint really had nothing to do with your problem then.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j2b4zk3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The Portland area ranks 8th in the country for highest percentage of second homes by GaffersB
Take it up with the mods who never post here and hide behind a group account, just like all the absentee landlords.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j2anhr6 wrote
Reply to The Portland area ranks 8th in the country for highest percentage of second homes by GaffersB
Yet complaining about AirBnB and its hosts is "off topic"...
ZingZongZaddy t1_j2an0br wrote
Reply to comment by BlackbeltJones in Best bottle shop in the area? Seeking higher-end bourbon and wine by BlackbeltJones
And you decided to copy and paste the same message?
ZingZongZaddy t1_j2alljt wrote
Wherever you were when you posted this word for word a year ago.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j29xlde wrote
They're using sketchy statistics to make this map, comparing median income to home costs.
ZingZongZaddy t1_j2985jl wrote
Depends on the industry.
You know many businesses are still short staffed, right?
ZingZongZaddy t1_j25p528 wrote
Reply to Chaga farming in Maine is on the fringe of being a multi-billion dollar industry by Nesthemonster
Ah, the grift is on!
ZingZongZaddy t1_j5vlkt5 wrote
Reply to comment by iceflame1211 in MaineHousing releases 2023 housing outlook report by InterstellarDeathPur
I'm saying the metrics they use to determine affordability are flawed and misleading. Like using median income, for example.