
ZingZongZaddy t1_jdczxci wrote

Reply to comment by siebzy in Hiking Groups by catamountcount

I tried reactivating mine a few years ago and they tried to make me jump through so many hoops to prove I was a real boy I eventually decided it wasn't worth it. No I'm not sending you my driver's license, Zucks.


ZingZongZaddy t1_jck3uks wrote

Many people involved in the development of TV and movies are from or have connections to the state. It's not a bad thing.


What should stop, is the shitty representation of characters. The Boston accent is not ours, Hollywood. Stop using summer people as your consultants. Those Lifetime original movies set during the holidays, that's not what Maine looks like. That's Connecticut.


I'm all for increased representation, but let's at least be accurate about it.


ZingZongZaddy t1_j6p99i7 wrote

Because housing has been commodified and is being redirected en masse to the short term rental market as profits are higher than with long term tenants. This state is filled with landlords who don't care about having functioning, working communities because the DINKWADs on vacation are willing to spend a mortgage payment on two nights in Portland.

These landlords are both local and from away. They're all opportunists, and one of the two is happy to let the other group suffer all the scorn.