ZombieJesus1987 t1_ja9nnw3 wrote
Reply to Jackie Chan's last good movie? by Ebbemonster
I don't know about it being his "last" good movie, but 2009's The Shinjuku Incident was really good.
ZombieJesus1987 t1_ja9ngsz wrote
Reply to Movies without a main character? by Ok-Impress-2222
Mars Attacks
ZombieJesus1987 t1_j2ee8xy wrote
Screw favourite movies.
Give us A Serbian Film with every character is a Muppet except for the lead.
ZombieJesus1987 t1_iujprhy wrote
For a 100 year old movie, this still holds up! Timeless classic indeed
ZombieJesus1987 t1_iu97kdm wrote
Reply to What movie made you squirm? by ethihoff
Any movie that has eye shit.
ZombieJesus1987 t1_itzrdf6 wrote
Reply to comment by WhyWorryAboutThat in ‘Night of the Living Dead’ Sequel in the Works From Nikyatu Jusu by CosmosBazaar
Don't you love the Public Domain?
ZombieJesus1987 t1_itkk2az wrote
Reply to comment by ih8meandu in It sucks that Found Footage gets such a Bad rap. IMO ,when done right, it's my favorite and one of the most effective forms of Horror Media. by Fuzzman2012
Even the first Paranormal Activity was a massive success, and it still didn't come close to the impact Blair Witch Project had on pop culture
ZombieJesus1987 t1_jeg511k wrote
Reply to What are some r/movies tropes? by HotSwordfish23
insert popular movie here is an Underrated Gem