
_Blackstar t1_ixk3dnd wrote

Probably ones that don't allow a man that threatened to blow up his mom's house and had the police called to the scene, then go out and buy a rifle and pistol to use to shoot up a gay bar.

I'm an avid gun owner but these shootings and all this hatred need to stop. And it's a lot easier to restrict access to something than it is to change a human mind.


_Blackstar t1_ixhie7h wrote

High school love is such a weird thing. Hormones and neurotransmitters are firing on all cylinders, a lack of experience leads to a lot of hesitation and "what if" thoughts, and it ends up being either the best time of your life or the worst...there is no in-between.

Not that the words of an internet stranger matter, but I'm proud of you for being brave enough to take a chance and see what would happen. And for what it's worth, things get easier; your body will take a chill pill and you'll have experience like this one to fall back on, that will help immensely in dealing with new life events as they happen. Personally I hated being a teenager. If you feel that way too, just know it does get better.


_Blackstar t1_ivwv292 wrote

How DARE you imply that other peoples' idea of happiness is equal to my own? Especially when my idea of the perfect wedding is in a VERY Christian church, surrounded be equally conservative people who are also all straight, white, and share the same ideas on what creates true happiness? To deviate from this extremely narrow-minded idea is blasphemous!

/s if it wasn't obvious


_Blackstar t1_iu5mxrf wrote

> Until everyone decides that and no one reproduces...

I don't see that happening, and even if it did, then would that be us unprogramming or being reprogrammed a different way?

My entire point is, I don't think humans have one set way of doing things and I don't think our purpose is simply to multiply. Sure from a biological standpoint that's how it was in the past. But going back to the hypothetical aliens made us argument, who's to say biological propagation (the desire to fuck and to be a parent) wasn't just a stepping stone to get us to a point where we're supposed to do something greater with the gift of life?

Now I'm not saying that IS the case either, just pointing out that as it stands, we're too insignificant and ignorant to say definitively as OP put, "what you're really here for."

Nobody knows what we're here for, and that's what makes studying our history, our genetics, our own minds, and the universe we inhabit so much fun.


_Blackstar t1_iu4trb7 wrote

Are we though? When people want to get married, have kids, and live that white picket fence dream... How much of that is biological programming and how much of that is social programming?

I love to bang, but I've never knocked anyone up and I'm about to go in for the snip so I don't have to. And it seems that more and more people with the mind set are starting pop up.

Humans have sex for pleasure, for emotional support and stability, for validation, etc. To say we were built up work a certain way, when there's so many humans that are the exception and not the rule, seems incorrect to me. I believe we've already evolved past the point of species propagation for survival, there's no need to carry on one's genes when billions of others are already doing it.


_Blackstar t1_iu17uyk wrote

Other way around though. Dark matter is believed to be the binding agent of the universe; gas and dust falls into the dark matter pockets that have coalesced over the eons and that creates everything from stars to galactic filaments. It's dark energy that's pushing the universe and causing it to grow exponentially.


_Blackstar t1_iszysm5 wrote

Rescues make better pets anyway and you can't change my mind. For a small fee you're getting a dog that's already been fixed, has all its current immunizations, has been screened for any major health issues, and comes potty trained.

The best part though, is that period where they grow to love you. Watching the transformation of their personality as the look on their face goes from "So how long until you send me back?" to "HOLY FUCK HE'S HOME, HE'S HOME, HE'S FINALLY FUCKING HOME LET ME WAG MY ENTIRE BUTT BECAUSE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!"


_Blackstar t1_is2bqh4 wrote

Definitely. Supports up to 3 monitors (including the built in screen) while docked, has a full desktop mode that runs a version of Linux called Arch, and you can still access nearly all of the Microsoft Apps suite by either installing Windows on it, running your files through the OneDrive web interface, or installing a 3rd party solution like LibreOffice directly onto the Deck.

It's honestly a really cool little machine.
