_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j5bry24 wrote
Reply to comment by TzarKazm in Advice regarding Westerly by PinkSwallowLove
Bingo. That was going to be my recommendation. Great food and breweries up there to boot.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j5brwbl wrote
Reply to Advice regarding Westerly by PinkSwallowLove
I love your Bourdain-like sense of whimsy in this post. Just wanted to share that.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j58bwy8 wrote
Reply to comment by potholesandpizza in I got another huge bill from Rhode Island Energy Gas by thentangler
Especially natural gas. It powers our heat/stove/hot water, and many power stations. Kinda sucks, but it’s happening.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j4rzgh8 wrote
Whenever I read disgusting stories like this (the slumlord not the poor victims) my blood boils. We still aren’t that far removed from The Jungle, are we?
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j4prhp7 wrote
Reply to comment by nickyd747 in Best wings joint? by [deleted]
Third this. Phenomenal.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j4m6ka0 wrote
I would feel comfortable as a patron with staff like that. What an absolute jackass.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j4dkdi3 wrote
Reply to comment by SaltyNewEnglandCop in License plate covers? by Even-Vegetable-1700
Fair enough. I just know that’s why people buy them.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j4cobh8 wrote
Reply to comment by Null_Error7 in It was a good run, years worth of solar credits eaten in about 1.5 months. by Ragnaroknight
Take it with a grain of salt. They’re still worthwhile for most people.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j4co1wt wrote
Reply to comment by Ragnaroknight in It was a good run, years worth of solar credits eaten in about 1.5 months. by Ragnaroknight
Electric heat alone will jack that up. But yeah the baking increase for sure also spikes it.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j4cnuxx wrote
Reply to comment by Accurate-Historian-7 in It was a good run, years worth of solar credits eaten in about 1.5 months. by Ragnaroknight
Fees are going up everywhere dude to increases in prices for non-renewable fuel resources. Granted, I’m sure there are states where it isn’t as bad, but the northeast, and the surrounding areas, are all seeing increases.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j4b7sjh wrote
Weirdo people posting here: “RI residents are entitled psychopaths! What’s up with that?
Wait, why is everyone disagreeing with me and downvoting me?”
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j4b6731 wrote
Reply to License plate covers? by Even-Vegetable-1700
Some people are desperate to “defend their rights” or some shit. The covers block pictures taken by cameras. It’s a pretty hefty fine for having one.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j424pnn wrote
Reply to comment by Beezlegrunk in Are Rhode Islanders entitled? by Loveroffinerthings
The blind entitlement OP is showing by telling people that they owe them something because they did the barest minimum is wild. I’ll take kind people over this type of “nice” person that expects something from those they’ve deigned to be nice to.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j415g19 wrote
Reply to comment by cbri in Are Rhode Islanders entitled? by Loveroffinerthings
Sounds like something I’d respond with depending on the tone of the other person.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j414cjd wrote
Reply to comment by melissafromtherivah in Are Rhode Islanders entitled? by Loveroffinerthings
Also, if you expect things from strangers because you did the bare minimum that might make you the entitled one in a weird way? It shouldn’t be transactional.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j41457p wrote
Reply to comment by Loveroffinerthings in Are Rhode Islanders entitled? by Loveroffinerthings
If you’re wandering through your life expecting something out of strangers then you’re going to be expecting for a long time.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j413we1 wrote
Reply to comment by Loveroffinerthings in Are Rhode Islanders entitled? by Loveroffinerthings
There’s a really good post that explains this idea quite well. Nice vs Kind.
If you do kind things for people and expect something in return you’re going to have problems. You appear to fall right into the target of this post.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j4138ya wrote
Could it have been military jets/planes on maneuvers?
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j3jt4qq wrote
Reply to RI needs this PSA: How to use the passing lane of a highway. Yall camp in the left lane. by sonickid101
Nah, that lane is for assholes to hold up traffic because “I’m already going five over the speed limit, that’s fast enough, DAMNIT!”
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j36psf4 wrote
Reply to comment by koidrieyez in License plates by DogGroundbreaking568
Guerrilla donation gathering? I kinda like that.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j36pqdl wrote
Reply to License plates by DogGroundbreaking568
Yep. I even had hoped there’s make them a dark blue background with light lettering like the URI sign and Welcome to RI signs. Noooooope.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j2n117h wrote
Reply to Where are the REAL fresh fish markets? by canalguyopen
In Wakefield Ocean Catch has a blend of fresh, and fresh-frozen. Just have to look at their descriptions, and ask questions. Sometimes it can be difficult to find fresh because of the way the markets and wholesalers work.
To order for delivery you can check out this link They’re locally owned and operated. The Local Catch has some great options.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j2doais wrote
Reply to comment by Competitive-Ad-5153 in best clam chowder near providence? by sunflower178
Dune Brothers is my answer to everything seafood related. They are unfortunately still seasonal.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j2aak2a wrote
Westerly has Nigrelli’s Jewelry. I’ve bought most of the jewelry my wife has, and my father always went there for his purchases. They have helpful staff of many ages.
_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j5qccn4 wrote
Reply to Ice/Snow Removal as a Tennant? by Teagaroo
These are valuable questions. Step One would be to check your lease/rental agreement. Step Two would be to check the RI laws on Landlord-Tenant responsibility. I am pretty sure they’re supposed to keep walking areas and parking areas safe at a basic level. Salt and sand for example.