
_Diakoptes t1_iy82htn wrote

I dont think so. Schools arent prisons, or shouldnt have to be. The more oppressive the school grounds are the less likely kids will actually embrace learning.

People are mad because in the Uvalde shooting the police arrived, locked down the scene, put up a perimeter and then stood around for 20 minutes while the shooting continued. The police were on scene and spent more time and resources stopping parents from entering the school grounds then engaging the shooter.

These are the people we give our tax dollars to with the understanding theyre there to protect the community. Now that we are beginning to understand that police only protect themselves, eachother, and the political elite that let them get away with their crime - theyre simply a gang. And they helped the Uvalde shooter kill more kids by blocking access to the school and stopping people from saving their kids.

Those cops are pieces of shit and shouldnt be allowed to serve in any capacity as a public servant.