_Maxolotl t1_iv4egu2 wrote
Reply to comment by NKtDpt4x in Traffic deaths in NYC still 14% higher than pre-pandemic levels, latest data shows by ER301
why are they downvoting you, you'e 40% right
_Maxolotl t1_iv1wrk0 wrote
Reply to comment by Mammoth_Theory3333 in Traffic deaths in NYC still 14% higher than pre-pandemic levels, latest data shows by ER301
This is also a very good hypothesis for the crime wave.
And a very good reason to think the approach that most politicians are bringing to the crime wave - more cops more cops more cops - won't work.
_Maxolotl t1_iv1wjmh wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Traffic deaths in NYC still 14% higher than pre-pandemic levels, latest data shows by ER301
That was probably cops heading home from work.
_Maxolotl t1_iup2cwz wrote
Reply to comment by taylorhayward_boston in Open Request for Ideas on Cambridgema Can Be Made a Better Community by taylorhayward_boston
resigning would be a good solution.
_Maxolotl t1_iuoq6s6 wrote
Reply to comment by ThreeLittlePuigs in McDonald's franchisee to pay $1M to employees for violating workers' rights at 7 Brooklyn locations by Eriosyces
_Maxolotl t1_iuoq4r6 wrote
Reply to comment by TheNormalAlternative in McDonald's franchisee to pay $1M to employees for violating workers' rights at 7 Brooklyn locations by Eriosyces
I can't help but picture Michael Cera as the owner.
_Maxolotl t1_iuju980 wrote
Reply to comment by spulet in ‘The Only Reason We Got It Was That I Lied’ by King-of-New-York
I was born here, and my family has been here since 1854. I'm sixth generation. My kid is seventh. And I work five blocks from where my great grandfather worked.
And based on all my NYC cred, I get to declare your position on this matter is trash.
_Maxolotl OP t1_iujdj48 wrote
The number of children killed by cars spikes higher on Halloween than on any other day of the year.
If you want to keep you kids safe, NYC has some car-free streets set up for trick-or-treating this year.
If you want to keep your kids even safer, reach out to your local community board and police precinct and see if you can create more car-free streets for trick-or-treating next year.
And if you're out driving tonight, please drive with the level of caution you'd use if you were in an elementary school parking lot after dark, because you'll be pretty close to being in that situation.
_Maxolotl t1_iujcbvy wrote
Reply to comment by williamwchuang in ‘The Only Reason We Got It Was That I Lied’ by King-of-New-York
Pretty much every guide to being a landlord says that it's irresponsible to not maintain a cash reserve of 3 months rent per apartment.
If a landlord is seriously financially harmed by someone who takes 3 months to evict, that landlord is landlording wrong.
_Maxolotl t1_iujbzu4 wrote
Reply to comment by ArcticFox2014 in ‘The Only Reason We Got It Was That I Lied’ by King-of-New-York
One of my least favorite parts of NYC is shitty people who snidely call newcomers "transplants" in a city that has 300 foot statue standing in front of it above a plaque with a poem that says, in essence, "all are welcome, please come here".
_Maxolotl t1_iudwo7n wrote
Reply to comment by TheSkyIsFalling09 in Four times a week on average, an e-bike or e-scooter battery catches fire in New York City by geoxol
Two or three times a week, a car kills somebody in NYC. Ban them.
_Maxolotl t1_iudw5p9 wrote
Reply to comment by The_Lone_Apple in Four times a week on average, an e-bike or e-scooter battery catches fire in New York City by geoxol
Which is why a multi-lingual PSA campaign about battery safety is probably an important part of solving this problem.
_Maxolotl t1_iudvq8d wrote
Reply to Four times a week on average, an e-bike or e-scooter battery catches fire in New York City by geoxol
some of the scooters sold by the Fly Ebike chain of stores are very poorly made.
You're not gonna see a lot of Bosch system batteries catching on fire. They disable themselves and flash alerts on the bike screens if they have even a brief short between their contacts.
the problem is not batteries in general, it's that we haven't got a good way of rating quality control yet.
Underwriters Laboratories has recently started certifying batteries. As this becomes the norm, maybe a UL listing would be a good way to decide if a battery is allowed in the building.
But there's an unsolvable problem with this anyway: If buildings ban ebikes, what will happen is people will lock the bikes up outside, and take the batteries inside to charge them anyway. Batteries are not big. No building is going get away with searching everybody's bags.
So if we want to address this safety issue, banning bikes from buildings isn't going to work. Upgrading fire protection standards in bike rooms will help.
And a PSA campaign in multiple languages explaining how to be safe with batteries will help too. We do the same thing for space heaters.
_Maxolotl t1_iu9jdod wrote
Reply to comment by adonis7511 in NYC PBA gives Democrat Kathy Hochul $25K while holding out on Lee Zeldin by F_T_N_32
LMFAO Just because you're not getting laid doesn't mean there's a secret feminist conspiracy to rule New York, dude.
_Maxolotl t1_iu7b22r wrote
Reply to comment by XenosV in NYC PBA gives Democrat Kathy Hochul $25K while holding out on Lee Zeldin by F_T_N_32
Political donations are less often bribery by the donor and more often extortion by the recipient.
_Maxolotl t1_iu6zm32 wrote
The PBA may be a pack of right wing nutjobs, but at the end of the day, a lobbying group that's been around forever is somewhat likely to donate to whoever they think will win.
_Maxolotl t1_iu677ci wrote
Reply to comment by poopship462 in CDC Issues Warning as New Data Shows Scope of Polio Spread in NYC Area by brooklynlad
OK, then, here's a rewrite of the previous comment:
Thank you orthodox community for stubbornly insisting on not teaching your kids science, thereby making them vulnerable to being duped by antivaxxers.
_Maxolotl t1_iu2dg91 wrote
Reply to Bad co-op, need advice please! by pasteldefresa
the first thing you should be doing is talking to as many neighbors as possible and trying to find out if they're getting the runaround too.
_Maxolotl t1_iu0h4ud wrote
Reply to Mayor Adams’ office says less than 2% of NYC streets are filthy, baffling New Yorkers by kj001313
Somebody needs to do a clean up on their block, put all the trash in a dump truck, and drop it on his block.
_Maxolotl t1_itzg96y wrote
Reply to comment by LoneStarTallBoi in BlackRock HQ in NYC stormed with pitchforks. by helloworld_141
Actually the study I linked to is by a professor whose findings were, broadly, that from the mid to late 20th century nonviolent protest was more successful than insurrection, but then the bastards figured out how to counter nonviolent protest effectively, and by the early 21st century nonviolent protest and insurrection were about equally effective, but the efficacy of nonviolent protest is continuing to weaken.
_Maxolotl t1_itz72m7 wrote
Reply to comment by Tunto_Bungus in BlackRock HQ in NYC stormed with pitchforks. by helloworld_141
A recent Harvard study concludes nonviolent protest is no longer statistically more likely to succeed than armed insurrection.
_Maxolotl t1_itz6qi7 wrote
I was promised pitchforks. Disappointing.
_Maxolotl t1_itxo2nm wrote
Reply to comment by Varianz in City Council Trims Housing in Ninth Street Gowanus Rezoning by Varianz
I just checked. And I just won NIMBY Bingo!
_Maxolotl t1_itgkx4w wrote
Never trust a prediction from someone whose life expectancy ends before their prediction is supposed to come true.
_Maxolotl t1_ivd1iq5 wrote
Reply to comment by isowater in Put some signs to discourage heavy gas mopeds on the bridges and protected bike lanes by CroustiBat
Vespa style e-scooters have 5x the motor wattage of an ebike and weigh between 2-4x as much.
Newtonian physics says they're much more dangerous than ebikes. And they can go 30+ so they can be in the car lane.