_dantastic t1_j2faaxu wrote
Reply to Woman are a lot like roller coasters by Just_A_Pirate391
You wait in line for hours for just for 1 minute of fun.
_dantastic t1_j21ph8p wrote
Reply to What do you call an orgy with 8 women? by B0DZILLA
About $2000 an hour.
_dantastic t1_j1zuhr4 wrote
_dantastic t1_j1zre5v wrote
Reply to comment by Funky_Dancing_Gnome in My obese parrot just died. by StuntNun
Birds of a feather flock together.
_dantastic t1_j1zlfmb wrote
Reply to comment by Pixearity in My obese parrot just died. by StuntNun
Lol. Thanks. Folks obviously gave me the bird for that comment.
_dantastic t1_j1yqxgz wrote
Reply to My obese parrot just died. by StuntNun
And your cockatoo.
_dantastic OP t1_j1ue2iy wrote
Reply to comment by mcramsay in Which of King Arthur's knights was chosen to make the round table? by _dantastic
_dantastic OP t1_j1u4kme wrote
Reply to comment by Clozegoose97 in Which of King Arthur's knights was chosen to make the round table? by _dantastic
He was always a cut above the rest.
_dantastic t1_j1n0gus wrote
Reply to Yo mama so fat.. by johnwick76
she thinks gravy is an after dinner cocktail.
_dantastic OP t1_j16gwnx wrote
Reply to comment by panidermo in I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. by _dantastic
Why did the disappointed redditor click the joke? To get to the other sigh.
_dantastic OP t1_j16eawn wrote
Reply to comment by awkimballjr in I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. by _dantastic
_dantastic t1_j0kp8yb wrote
Jesus: "Water for everyone!"
Waiter: "May I see your ID?"
_dantastic t1_iyfefu6 wrote
_dantastic OP t1_iyfd98h wrote
Reply to comment by HoogerMan in What do you call a bulletproof Irishman? by _dantastic
A perfect joke. Thank you.
_dantastic t1_ixme2dt wrote
I just seen this YouTube video about this...absolutely true!
_dantastic t1_ixh513s wrote
Reply to Henry Winkler sits down on an airplane. The flight attendant comes over and ask him if he would like free head phones. by whaddayagondo
She touched his one eyed winkler.
_dantastic t1_ixh4cad wrote
She had the whitest teeth I've ever came across.
_dantastic t1_j2fhp5l wrote
Reply to My penis may not be 12 inches long but I'm told that it... by CrazyKZG
I'm hung like a baby. 8lbs 12oz, 19 inches.