
_jeremybearimy_ t1_ixva9gs wrote

Yup! As someone from a Drought prone state, OP just proved themselves a good neighbor. Smokers, ironically, are in good positions to spot stuff like this.

My mom used to sit on her back porch and smoke. One night around midnight she saw a fire, the neighbors backyard kitty corner from our backyard was in flames! She called 911 and then ran down to our yard, grabbed the hose, and started spraying down the corner where the four fences met so the whole block didn’t go up in flames. Fire dept was 5 blocks away so they showed up quick and the fire was already out - my mom had put it out with her hose! Neighbors weren’t home so without my mom it could have been bad. I forget what caused the fire but some sort of malfunction or accident. She’s a hero!


_jeremybearimy_ t1_iwlnwls wrote

Reply to comment by beeps-n-boops in hi neighbors. by trashtrucktoot

So they will create sooooo many babies that just pop out of the soil and then you can cut them and put them in water until they grow roots. Just be patient and you will have millions of babies.

Or, stop by Fairmount and I’ll give you some babies in soil, I have so many they’re literally coming out of my ears. I currently have 8 babies recently put in soil, 3 babies in water, and 3 big pileas that have 5 babies each in their pots with them.

Please take some. The people I know don’t want any more of my babies


_jeremybearimy_ t1_itwn8sy wrote

Yup I learned the hard way early in my career to not go above and beyond because you have to make personal sacrifices to do so….and you are NOT rewarded for it. Well, I was rewarded: by being laid off and then the company founders refusing to provide me with a recommendation (they just never answered any of my requests). That worked out well for me!


_jeremybearimy_ t1_isev7l6 wrote

Callowhill, but they’re trying to make “Spring Arts” happen.

Roy Pitz has a ton of sour beers and also, really amazing food. I recommend everyone try it. Their Detroit pizza is amazing but I just love their burgers and fish and chips too, it’s all so good